Seek & Destroy Update Teaser

On russian it called “Active Seek”. Fun

Hell yeah man, trailer looks great

I hope the F16 C also gets its AMRAAM’s so we aren’t forced to grind another plane, even though the F16 C also had the AIM 120…

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92B should be another version, carrying HJ73

Im just happy sweden got something else than a MBT this update! All hail the Fast cars, Sweden must have all the Armoured cars.

Now all stand for the national song of Sweden!!(im joking XD)

I believe it’s called something like VAB T20 13? Anyway, it’s a French armoured car or IFV with a 20mm autocannon. The chassis is the same as the MEPHISTO and the SANTAL.

Namer :)

Really hoping for Japanese Coastal anything with SAMs this update 😬 everyone else seems to be getting them…

When dev stream ?

tomorow or the day after!!

Probably tomorrow.

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I hope we’ll see lots of functional improvements there.
We are atm really lacking about the functions (like weapon select, SA-screen, navigation (not just showing the map), …)

Nope, it’s a Chinese copy of a VAB with an autocannon slapped onto it. Pretty funny when you think about it…



A BeNeLux tree? Thought that was “never coming”?

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where 114L

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if only…

ZSL-92 autocannon on a chonese copy of a french? Chassis

Oh well, close enough.
Could have sworn I saw a suggestion for the French version earlier today but can’t find it now.

well it didnt, its a sub tree!

ok ill go dig myself into the sand

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