Sea Vampire T.Mk.22

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Sea Vampire T.Mk.22



  • Chile had previously acquired the DH-115 Vampire model, in its T.55 export version, beginning the jet era in Chile in 1954. Several years later, in order not to cancel the Vampire fleet, a search began to replace the originals which is why in 1972, 4 model T.11 ex RAF and 6 model T.22 ex Royal Navy were acquired in the United Kingdom, the latter being a special version called “Sea Vampire” being the United Kingdom and Chile the only ones in the world to operate that model specifically and the Sea Vampire being numbered from J-306 to J-311. These new planes arrived in boxed packages by sea to be assembled in Chile, then all the T.22s were painted with their desert camouflage and Chilean insignia. These two-seater planes were used as a transition plane for the Chilean Hawker Hunters, but since there were border tensions with Peru and Argentina in the 1970s, the Sea Vampires could carry up to 1,000 lbs in each wing, so they were armed with Napalm bombs of Italian-made of 500 lbs, conventional 250 lbs, 500 lbs, 1000 lbs bombs, 140 lbs 5-inch HVAR rockets and the Sea Vampire could carry 4, while the SURA rocket was only 50 lbs which allowed it to carry 8; All this armament was in excess of the F-80 and T-33 decommissioned, as for the cannons, at first there was a deficit of the Hispano 20mm cannons, which was solved in 1976 when the FACH acquired a batch of Hispano MK-5 cannons of 20 mm. They were also equipped with equipment from the Bendix line, VHF communications equipment, ADF and VOR navigation and the corresponding intercom, whose amplifier was manufactured by the National Center of Electronics and Telecommunications of the University from Chile, also an important addition was that the Sea Vampires brought the Mk 4AV ejection seat, twelve Goblin turbines were also purchased MK 3 in England to be installed in the new vampire. Finally, after a decade of almost wars with the neighbors of Chile, the Vampires were withdrawn from service on December 31, 1980. Fortunately, to this day, the Sea Vampire J-306 and J-307 are preserved in the National Aeronautical and Space Museum of Chile.


  • Crew:
    • 2
  • Armament:
    • Primary: 4 x 20mm Hispano MK.V cannons
    • Secondary: conventional 250 lbs, 500 lbs, 1000 lbs bombs, Napalm bombs of Italian-made 500 lbs, 4x 140 lbs 5-inch HVAR rockets, 8x 50 lbs SURA rocket
  • Dimensions:
    • Lenght: 11.8 m
    • Wingspan: 11.8 m
    • Height: 1.87 m
    • Weight empty: 3347 kg
    • Max Takeoff Weight: 5606 kg
  • Performance:
    • Powerplant: De Havilland Goblin MK 3
    • Maximum Speed: 865 km/h
    • Initial rate of climb: 1371.6 m/min
    • Service ceiling: 13106 m


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