Sea Harrier, Gr Harriers, AV-8A/AV-8C, and AV-8S discussion about flight performance

It looks like the time to climb report has been looked at and listened too. As for the VIFF its basically non existent in war thunder. Couple that with the Pegasus engine losing all of its thrust by simply moving forward and it becomes pointless. I have the official accelerometer readings for the VIFFing tests and it is able to generate decelerative forces that are enough to pull the pilot forward and be smushed into the gunsight.

Along with rapid deceleration the VIFF could also add an extra 1-2 instantaneous G to any given turn. Its benefit to STR was basically null however. The Harriers strength as a dogfighter was found in its TWR and extreme acceleration a pilot has claimed that the Harrier should beat F-15 and F-16 class fighters up to 400 knots. Its a good 10 seconds slower in war thunder to 400 knots.


Currently working on a VIFF report to pass on to the Devs.

Just a teaser to how bad the VIFF is modeled in game currently using the airbrake decelerates the plane faster than putting the nozzles to breaking stop.


VIFF report for those who want to see.
Harrier: Vectoring in Forward Flight // // Issues


The devs how now decided that the time to climb being over a minute off is close enough. And state is close enough to standard aircraft characteristics. Yet it’s over 1 minute in disparity.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.



Man, Your Enthusiasm about Early harriers is insanely good.
Keep up the good work. XD

I hope someday, both Sea Harrier FRS.1/FA.2 get better FM. and become playable.


They um have deleted 2 posts now.


Can you provide us with full report? I think the report is no longer a secret.


Whoa jesus christ
I just got deleted a post of mine within nearly a minute!

Are they overwatching this topic?
Maybe they are aware and worrying us about leaking secrets :|


Closed just as I thought it would be.

As well as a few things deleted in this thread.


[Not a Bug]

It seems that Gaijin thinks [having proper FM on British planes] is a bug. :/

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To be fair I had to use WTRTI and I know the devs don’t like that but LocalHost doesn’t report on lateral deceleration. However the stupidity lies in the fact gaijin thinks putting the nozzles in breaking stop only has 1/3 the decelerating force as the air break.

Yet in reality it slowed the plane down so much the test pilots concluded it was terrifying and where pressed against the HUD.


Maybe a suggestion to “extend” Sensor view in replays / test flight to aircraft could be made?

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Maybe. Doubt they would though. I also couldn’t really be asked to go through the struggle of making said suggestion right now.

It’s clear that when it’s comes to the harrier reports that I am focusing on right now, facts and documentation is less important than devs personal opinions.

Based on that I don’t see the devs adding another source for someone to counter what they deem is gospel.


Documents attached to bug reports are not visible to other users. I mean the RAF report.

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I posted them as screenshots

I think, maybe he wants the full dossier of TR 77021

Exactly. As I wrote above.

I think this is not the whole report. But of course, to publish it in full or not is your desire.

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I suppose I could it’s almost 60 pages however. It is also the only digital copy of it that exists. It comes directly from the national archives.

What parts do you want specifically what I probably will do is add all the informative pages and the cover. The results are just the same graph covering multiple Mach numbers and different flap settings. After that there is some notes about trim settings.