Sea Harrier, Gr Harriers, AV-8A/AV-8C, and AV-8S discussion about flight performance

A lot of people seemed too. Imagine if half the people who played Harriers knew they lacked a lot of performance. Maybe a lot of them would complain and then Gaijin would fix them.

I wish more did know… as for them being fixed… after this I have 0% faith in the devs…

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Yeah… I’m not impressed either. Im going to just make one more forum post about the Harrier but after that i’m giving up.

I’m going to list off everything I’ve found to be inaccurate about the Harrier so far.

(They didn’t even get the general aircraft configuration correct in the data mine.)


You are joking right? they couldn’t even data mine right?

Well fingers crossed on the last roll of the dice…

Well the Data mine is where the code is from the game. We can look at the code and in the parameters this was found.

The wing sweep is 40 degrees the deflection of both the elevator and ailerons is incorrect.

If they have taper ratio as aspect ratio is also wrong

If wing angle and Stab angle is dihedral of the wings they are also way wrong.

Are you talking about the seeker range increasing with the target’s size increasing?

If so, then that mechanic is already in the game. Try locking a Wiesel or an S1 and see what happens*. The mechanic itself works by using the Visibility value (on statcard). Yes, that same value that is used for Arcade markers (and not only).

Hell, IIRC, if a target fires its weapons, the range increases momentarily (have lost a lot of mavs firing on a target outside of normal locking range because the target had just fired).

* In the very lease, it is there for MAV-Ds (and on MAV-Bs, from my limited experience with them). Locking a 2S6 can be done from at least 9km, usually. While a Wiesel usually at 5-6 km.

Mildly ironic… the wing sweep they have is the sweep for second gen Harriers

the rest is a WAG as well Elevator is off, Max is 11 and 10 in the negative.
Ailerons are +/- 12
Rudder is 14.25 +/-

Taken from the pilots book…

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I would appreciate if you made a full video (perhaps voice instead of TTS this time) and perhaps as clearly and concisely and understandably (layman?) as possible list off issues with the current harrier 1s (careful of mission creep, FM & engine for now?)

If to show to the current playerbase as best as possible that their aircraft IS under performing, and that they should fight to improve it, or if it doesn’t really go off, it should at least allow others to easily grow off your work for further reporting?

I’d hate if all this evidence and effort is just left to rot in a forum post…