Sea Harrier, Gr Harriers, AV-8A/AV-8C, and AV-8S discussion about flight performance

Also, to circle back to the ALE-37 pod: Gaijin is quite literally sitting on a goldmine for giving planes CMs, thus further balancing things out. It both can and should be added to a ton of planes, including basically all Legacy/Sea Harriers.

Supposedly, the ALE-37 was useable on just about any NATO-standard pylon, meaning even the F-5s/F-29 could get it (even if it’s seen as semi-historical, it would be better to add a pod rather than directly integrated CMs a plane never actually had)

Wanna know something interesting the later AV-8C had the 406 engine lmao

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Wait HUH?!
You’re telling me that the AV-8C got a further uprated engine?

Its looking like it was given the 406 In 1982 right before AV-8B day attack came in.

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Is there a possible way to bug report this?

I was incorrect disregard that

Awww dammit, you got me excited lmao

Wouldn’t actually be that much of a difference if they fixed the damn planes performance lol. It just would have increased VSTOL weights.

If you want flare pods on the C ive given you the 2 manual pages you need to make a bug report.

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It’s not too bad, it would only lose the C/D band coverage. ALR-45F is essentially the ALR-67 without C/D antenna array. Not sure if it would keep the same EID, or be more like ALR-46(V)3 however. Does it say in the document? I’ve been wanting to find out more about the ALR-45F, but for the A-7E.

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Sort of but not really. That info would be in the tactical manual and that that manual is stupidly hard to find.

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seeing that video of the 9L just ignoring the flares is the reason im not touching any harriers right now.

Wrong Flight Model
Wrong Engine temps
wrong engine thrust
Wrong engine smoke
Wrong cockpits

These alone are massive. for a plane spanning 4 tech trees (USA, GB, Japan, Italy (AV8B+))

Its so disappointing as its really one of my favourite aircraft irl, if they fixed the flight model and engines it would be competitive rather then “aim9G and hope no one engages you”

But hey, auction house am i right???!!!


Yeah literally lmao. The Sea Harriers are terrible to play in anything except sim as the AIM9L goes for 1 flare on every aircraft except yours. You can’t turn, you cant accelerate. you’re dead meat unless you can hit targets that don’t see you.

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Also, unrelated but MiG21 SMT is going to 10.3 (along with many others). Jaguar GR1.A is STILL at 10.7! really gaijin, its Flightmodel is wank and it has 2 aim9G… truly the most British tech tree minor nation crap i have seen

same as the french ones, the magic 1 is found on the 10.0 mirage platform? why cant the Jaguar A and E go to 10.3. take a single turn in these aircraft and your plane is out of energy without the advantages the mirage has.

i love minor nations

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FRS.1 is at 11.0 lmao

Harrier Gr.3 should also (as literally stated in an ACM trials) absolutely spank a MIG-21 below 20k feet and less than like 450 knots without even using VIFF might I add. Yet in game it gets spanked.


i get 9L being higher on certain platforms, but the game is so compressed 0.3 BR is the diffrence between flares and no flares. i would really love it if they gave flares to planes A-historically (if the F-5C gets special treatment) anything 9.7 up has access to a CM pod? just a small amount. then balance around that

Yeah but 11.0 gets to go up against the horde of SARH missile bussed that also have all aspect IR missiles.

This wouldn’t be so bad if the Harrier model was even remotely correct as you could just turn in, kill than accelerate away before the enemy can react. If VIFF was modeled correctly you could legit just pull 45+ degrees AOA launch a 9L and dive away.

But it can do none of those things and is basically a sub-sonic f104 with a mid missile at 11.0…

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ive read through alot of the reports youve submitted, and even (today) spoke to a GR.9 pilot. he says they are incredibly manoeuvrable and the only time they where kind of unresponsive was during landing a 0kmph in hover.

and yet, drop below 600kmph in game and youre a brick. and you cant even accelerate away with your 10000kgf outside of a snails pace

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Yeah I used to work with a USMC mechanic who served on an amphibious assault ship. He was telling me about a conversation he had with a pilot when he asked about VIFFing. The pilot replied if the Airframe was able to withstand unlimited G, The Harrier would pull so much G it would basically kill you.

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Yes its really getting on my nerves that they have the gawl to deny actual scientific data from extremely credible sources on the basis of “we don’t believe this” who cares lol this is what the plane CAN do and it doesn’t care about your feelings.