Sabra Mk.I: Magach’s Final Form

Yeah. I just unlocked it. I’m looking forward to putting in some time with it.

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It complements the centurions and megachs very well i must say, i use it in my 9.0 lineup which is usually downtiers now due to 9.3 being 10.3 due to the sales.

@Stona_WT sorry for the ping, but seeing as none of the listed reports were acknowledged to any extent and the comment I left above for you went unanswered, I feel as though this ping/messaged is the best way I can go about getting these things to be adjusted.
Can we expect any of these listed things to change, or is there any way you could please forward these things please?
Particularly hoping for a turret traverse change, given its copy pasted from the Magach 7C, yet you/gaijin literally state the presence of a new turret traverse mechanism here:

Really hoping we won’t be stuck with only 24 degrees per second of horizontal turret traverse when the update drops as that would be brutal. Same with the vertical traverse rates. (If you need me to make a bug report for the his one I’ll gladly do so).
Hope you’re having a great day and that this doesn’t bother you much. Hope to see ya around and would really appreciate a response if any!

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More magachs confirmed?

Bruh (no)

Until the Sabra Mk.II comes

And the Magach 7A, Magach 4, Perez, Magach Marksman, Magach 7C (Late), Sabra Mk.2, and Sabra Mk.3 (not to mention the iron fist Sabra variants).

Look before we add more Magachs to the game we need different vehicles, hold on to slow pock vehicles. These include the following: Eitan, ifv


and for sure aa system Spyder: