SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

Unstable would improve sustained turns not decrease it

i was thinking of a similar issue regarding the other side, i do remember a @MiG_23M bug report (and some of his post in this thread) about the lack of gripen instability. what can we expect with american and russian jets with TVC engines? in terms of gameplay controls and handling of course

Oh god, be prepared for 180 turns in 1 second

Well, I would assume that they would adjust drag (or some other figure, idk)to keep current sustained with the new unstable-ness. Kind of how they have to do the same to keep its top speed now that it’s losing 4000lbs of thrust. But you are correct

Actually relaxing stability improves change direction performance. Can improve instantaneous turn. But have almost no effect for sustained turn performance.

heh but the problem is that instability isn’t modeled yet, and probably it won’t in the near future

Like at all in the game?
Currently Draken and Mirage2000 are pretty unstable at lower speeds iirc

It actually is modeled
It’s just move center of gravity behind center of aerodynamics…

WT engine can do that example is FM P39 long time ago…

A bit of a thought experiment, what happens if you take 2 identical airframes but one had double the weight and double the thrust over the other, resulting in identical TWRs, which one would rate better? I would assume the lighter one, right? Lower wing loading means more here?

The instability eliminates trim drag and allows the canard to remain neutral (providing additional lift). Otherwise the canard would only produce lift with AoA. Likewise, the F-16s elevator contributes to overall lift in the turn thanks to the instability. It improves sustained turn over statically stable designs where the elevator / canard must pitch to keep nose attitude.

If have the same drag. They will work exactly the same

I’m not considering canards. Just relaxing stability in amy given airframe

i tought it wasn’t 'cos of F16 and gripen lacking that unstable behaviour

This is how it works on all types of aircraft. Pure deltas benefit from reduced trim drag, not additional lift because they do not have canards or elevators.

Tailed and canard designs benefit from additional lift thanks to RSS. In all cases, move the stability margin back to positive and it will decrease sustained turn rate proportional to the increase in drag and decrease in lift.

If the Tornado flight model is under performing then go make a bug report about it.

One plane allegedly underperforming isn’t an excuse to keep another plane that is over-performing in its current state when there are sources to that contradict that performance.

On patch day the Gripen could sustain around 20 degrees per second at very low speeds, around 22 degrees per second at medium speeds, and also had an initial turn rate of around 28 degrees per second that would very slowly bleed off into it’s sustainable speeds.

To put things in perspective; the F-16ADF is able to do around 15 - 17 degrees per second at low speeds and around 20 degrees per second at medium speeds. (I’m using these numbers because RiderR2 sheet doesn’t have Block 10 numbers)

Not only was the Gripen added in a state where it was better than the games previous best dogfighting plane…it was added in a state where it over-performs it…and consequently everything else by even more significant margins.

Even in it’s current state it is still arguably more maneuverable than the F-16A, but at least the fight is a lot closer in theory. In reality pretty much every dogfight I get into with the Gripen is basically decided at the merge.

You should try taking off in the Draken on manual mode (Full real control), and you’ll see it first hand

(you can in test fly the premium one right now)

It was doing 25 deg/s at sea level on 20-30 minutes fuel if I recall correctly.

But I’m speak about relaxing stability. Not canards or sterling surfaces aka additional lift.

I dont need to:

one has already been submitted, issue is, the Tornado is missing its leading edge slats (which are coded and fully functional on the Mig-23MLD), without that, any and all bug reports regarding the Tornado’s Flight model are being ignored and will be until they finish the Tornado’s flight model. (if they finish it) as there is no point “fixing” a placeholder flight model

So what you are saying is that its impossible for any country to produce a better fighter than the US?
or that the US must be the best nation in game?


Yes… And it will always eliminate trim drag, produce additional lift… doesn’t matter. It will increase sustained turn over the same design w/ positive stability.