SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

Well. If you accept that trying to beat 15/16 in one circle is the shortest way to the hangar and pay attention to the sustained turn, then it looks interesting.
Gripen accelerates from ~19 deg/s (~1300 kg of fuel with no BOL and 2 aim-9) to 22 deg/s (near zero fuel with no BOL and 2 aim-9) on ~300 knots.


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There is only one “but”. Tornado does the same thing. But on ~400 knots. I couldn’t slow it down to less than 350 knots in a sustained turn.


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Of course, provided that we turn a blind eye to the Tornado’s fuel consumption of 650-670 kg/s, compared to the Gripen’s consumption of approximately 230-240 kg/s.

So, in SB it’s look promising with 20min fuel+droptank, but in RB you don’t even need to turn much, so difference not much.

Oh, yeah, and preflaring it’s bless aganist pov-defended Fox-2 :D

Just so you know your top video is set to private.

One circle is not a death sentence for the Gripen. It is easy to play energy on the F-15 currently. The F-16… not so much but it is certainly more than capable of smoking one in a dogfight at the moment.

Woops… My bad.

Can the gripen supercruse?

My understanding is that it should be able to to go mach 1.1 at 28,000 feet with a an air to air weapons load and mach 1.2 when clean.

That’s the Gripen next-gen or Gripen-E as it’s known.
JAS 39A/C models have a top speed of only mach 1.4 on full afterburner when equipped with a full air to air load.


not to my knowledge, no


South Africa and Slovakia both reported 1.4 mach top speed with full missile loads in their respective evaluations.

And at what height? Sea level?

All data points towards what has been implemented by the developers.

And even if it were incorrect, this is still a game and not called DCS.

The developers might decide whatever they like as long as it is to balance the plane out.
So why don’t you move on and have a GO at the SU-27 or the F-15 or whatever else is on your agenda.

And an interesting read on the RM12 for whoever cares :)

E can, the others can’t SAAB certainly hasn’t advertised supercruise and SAAB are big on advertising, also every other aircraft with supercruise is advertised as such.

So its even worse than what saab says and hes still complaining… jesus… silence him from forums already. From the start of his complains, there was NO direct document for gripen for him. EVERYTHING was based on estimates, guessing and his “expertise”.

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It is a buff and a nerf depending on the airspeed you want to discuss, and once thrust is correct they can reduce the fuselage drag to allow the proper acceleration time again if need be. There’s no need for hostility.

So what your saying is they can nerf it to the point it needs to be buffed back to the current state its in currently.

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So, you casually admitted that the drag is incorrect and needs a buff

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watch out hes gonna change his entire point of discussion now and state that its actually the drag thats overperforming and the engine is underperforming.


Well people are getting pissed off a bit here because you actively try to bring the performance down and don’t make any efforts whatsoever to correct the issues that would then arise.

You even say “If need be” they could ALLOW the PROPER time again…

I am not entirely sure if you realize how biased you sound. It might not be your goal or intention and you might just want something corrected you know to be wrong. But the way you do it makes you look like an absolute hater.

If the current Thrust is incorrect, but the time is correct then where exactly is the ingame issue?

Let’s honestly fact check every single jet in the game and see if they are all perfectly modelled…

I am all for having the Gripen perform as much as the real thing as possible. But that shouldn’t happen in steps where the FM gets worse and worse and worse until they then tend to the numbers that get them back up again.

That shouldn’t happen to any model.

Imagine this: You can prove they made the tank armor out of wood, they previously only had measurements and no specific weight so they calculated the weight by using the weight of steel in the dimensions they had. Now you Bug report it to be changed to wood but they simply keep the weight as steel for a couple of months, since that’s another change that needs to be reported…

Now you have a much worse performing vehicle, with less benefits and all the drawbacks it should never even had.


He just reports bugs, he is not a developer…
You are making it sound like if he was the developer and tuned the FM at will.

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Its easy to report overperformances in WT. EVERY SINGLE model overperforms to some degree. Developers know that its a video game. Anyone can spam reports and throw everything including the kitchen sink at the wall and eventually get something to stick.

What takes skill is buffing aircraft and weapons. Not nerfing.

@MiG_23M can care less about the Gripen or the tech trees they belong to or that it’s the first fighter for some players to actually compete with FOR years.
He is only here in this topic spamming reports because the aircraft is currently in the spotlight. He is spamming reports because its low hanging fruit and is trying to build his “portfolio” of bug reports because he is convinced this is the only thing that gives him purpose in the community. He enjoys nerfing nations (except China) and some players only aircraft and has said so openly.

He no longer actually plays the game other that 20 matches per update and to fly around in circles in test drive and looks for models to nerf.