After all, it has more mounting points than C.
Exactly, loved it when i learned what they did.
I think its safe to say its a new design.
True but you can achive similiar capabilities with double rack, kinda what they are trying to do with latest F-16 blocks.
They can’t simply upgrade earlier airframes to do so because of weight limits on some of the wings and pylons. Speaking more to the Gripen than the F-16 though.
I might worried gajin forgot Litening III from Tornado GR.4 instead placeholder targeting pod (Litening II)
Swedish Air Force never ordered Brimstone & SPEAR 3
From cdk file but now gajin not add AIM-120C-5
Coming to sweden tech tree coming to 2027 or 2028
Saab have already integrated Brimstone and Spear 3 onto the Gripen E. Sweden is already looking for a long range strike option, with budget available for purchases in December, and is probably going to buy Spear 3 (or a mix of Spear 3 and Brimstone 3) as the UK MoD and Sweden are jointly developing an EW/Decoy version of Spear 3 a kin to ADM-160, Spear EW
Gripen now goes to C band, and has planes ID
Ground targets are mostly SAM/AAA
Nice! Now just the MFD changes left :)
Hell yes!
I wonder how these will fair in game later. Carpet-bombing enemy spawn with a 4x4 grid from 20km away seems… you know… rude? x)
Based on the BOW document, if Gripen has C-D band extension installed, it would also have K band, as they are part of the same upgrade.
Also this
Jas39’s RWR can even identfiy Zsu’s in real life, how come ground units displays as AAA/SAM on RWR?
I was waiting on a link with the information all gathered and submitted to the CBR. :)
I see, so RWR hasnt recieved its full capabilites yet.
Do you think there will be enough time before update drops?
Its got a bunch of threat ID capabilities now, maybe not all of them. Just get the report logged and give me a poke. :)
If not i can do a quick one with 2 documents about K band and 1 picture about AAA/SAM ID