SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

You do know that for the most part Britain DOES use Aim120B or Aim120C5 until we get METEOR and same goes for IR missiles. aim9L or aim9M untill ASRAAM.

SAAF Gripen should have 6x IRIST, but had gotten 9M instead. Sweden and Hungarian Gripens though 100% use AMRAAM until METEOR.

Those examples fall into both of the categories for putting American missiles in other tt. At least my categories

Yep, so IF the British TT Gripen gets ARH. It will in all likelihood be AMRAAM and I’d prefer those over something like the A-Darter which would likely only appear on that one aircraft for now.

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R-Darter is listed by SAAB and although the Gripen’s in SAAF service never used them, SA is to my knowledge the only in-game operator. R-Darter is described as being similar to the Derby which is in the same league as the MICA EM, so when the MICA EM is added to the M4K then the SAAF Gripen could receive it as a perfectly viable option considering it already uses ahistorical 9M’s this would at least be somewhat more historical as AFAIK SA couldn’t even get a hold of 9M’s due to ITAR.

I knew it was one or the other. Thank you, but I dont think many would use the Derby either except maybe Israel? I think I’d still prefer to stick with Aim-120 for now.

You would be right about both if I understand you. Its convoluted, R-darter is listed but no confirmation it’s ever been flown, but if it’s listed then its either been integrated or planned to have been.

A-darter had prototypes sent to SAAB-BAE for integration, which was successful. However since that point no acceptable production model has been produced (I saw something about all the vital engineers leaving so standards dropped so much they can’t get them back on track).

Derby would be used by Israel. In-game the only relevant operators would be Israel and South Africa with their R-Darter. Brazil has bought some too and also the Czech Republic.

I wouldn’t mind either way, Derby/R-Darter would be a bit shorter ranged than AMRAAM but I think they would have a better PoK like MICA.

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Its less about performance and more about not having a “unique” missile that is buggy as hell. Just looking at Red Tops, SRAAM, Skyflash, etc. Until they get better at modeling nation specific missiles. I would rather get a C&P of one used by like 80% of aircraft.


That’s fair, although Israel will also use the Derby-type missile. But there’s nothing to suggest Israel particularly receives much bias so a more consistent missile would be of interest.

Yeah, though Gaijin does seem to like Israel. So might be at least some chance Derby would be usable. Though maybe a tad random with the 9Ms on there and not an SAAF IR missile.

ALso we’ve already seen how they hate modeling aircraft different from near like for like aircraft.

Gripen C is at the moment basically a C&P of the Gripen A. Probably wont be “fixed” until the Gripen C is added for Sweden and it will remain a near identical C&P

We also saw how they didnt even consider modeling the Tornado F3 and Tornado ADV with different radars as well.


We’re likely less than a month away from next update trailer, which will have the Swedish Gripen C

9M was compatible with all Gripen’s of course, but I’ve only seen evidence of the Czech Gripen using them, Sweden had the Li’s. I do think it’s pretty likely Sweden had them at some point but information is very scarce regarding that stuff

Yeah, though despite the fact that Sweden used Aim-9Li. Im somewhat just expecting it to get Aim-9M at this point. At least initially. Just to reduce their work load/balancing.

I dont think the 9L/I will ever be ingame as its in gaijins eyes i imagine, “just a 9M but with smoke”

Well… After short test I can say that BOL with flares is almost useless unless double reset is used. 8 (it’s even funny to realize) flares have difficulty transferring the missile’s seeker to themselves, 4 flares are helpless and simply waste countermeasures. On the other hand, GJ have redid the sequence of releasing countermeasures and the fuselage containers work for quite a long time. They end at about 350 countermeasures.
We’ve been breathing freely for almost a month, and now the stuffiness is starting again…

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Hungarian ones too afaik they are ordering IRIS-T to replace them though

Keep in mind the non BOL flares are “Large” and there is a report from around a month ago that was aiming to see them changed to just “standard” sized which would greatly reduce their effectiveness

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Only the internal ones are counted as large in the game

We’ve had our fun quota for a few years - time for a barrage of changes to make the Gripen irrelevant ASAP.


Hi @Smin1080p , sorry to @ you but after reading the rumour roundup I thought this would be a more relevant place to ask.

This is historical, nothing can be done simply unfortunate, perhaps if rules ever widen from where they sit currently something will pop up.

But what I would ask @Smin1080p is if there are any possibilities of things like A-Darter and R-Darter for the SAAF Gripen C as there are several sources saying they are integrated.

A-Darter is planned by the SAAF and R-Darter has been integrated and its only in-game user is South Africa?

(although admittedly R-Darter not in use it’s a domestic possibility at an ARH for the SAAF Gripen as Marlin is in a complicated spot, even if not perhaps Python Derby as they’re similar and also integrated)

Some sources

A-Darter | Denel Dynamics

It will be a long time, Not unless we get all other super IIR missiles

That’s true i’m just curious if there’s any possibility at all or if Gripen is planned to stay somewhere around 12.7 with an all-IR loadout. Honestly it’s more relevant for the R-Darter as that would allow us to keep a good dogfighting airframe until Typhoon. Gripen could retain the 9M’s and get R-Darter as somewhat of a MICA or Python Derby alternative which will be used by France and Israel on similarly capable platforms.