Okay, shall get one put together tonight. Thank you
12G limitation for SAS damper mode would be great for the sim community using the Gripen
Does anyone have info on the JAS39 rate ?? It seems to be a complete UFO Rate fight wise
Assuming the JA 37’s peak sustained turn rate of 15.48 deg/s at 400 knots is correct we can extrapolate from this data that the Gripen should be capable of ~22.22 deg/s sustained. I personally don’t think this is correct, and the chart has no numbers so could very much be incorrect or not to scale.
Ok, seems pretty strange, spaded it and played it in 1v1s, it’s seems to have little to no drag and unlimited engine power, and it’s ratefighting better than an F16, it seems unfinished and unpolished imo… it may be a misinterpretation from myself. I expected… something else and not as broken.
It is fully statically unstable at low speeds but the canard causes this, after a certain point the canard should be required to maintain nose attitude and add less to the lift - stabilizing the airplane. Sustained turn rates at high speed probably shouldn’t be so high. I’ll read more into some documentation on the Gripen though and see what I can find.
That’s awesome. That’s what keeps getting me at the moment. Too use to just max throttle and never ripping. So that will deffo help
I hope your source is attached and we can’t see it.
You can never see bug report sources, in case they are classified
Uh, no, it’s not because they might be classified because committing literal crime is not part of Gaijin’s bug report tracker.
I hope gaijin not forget considered Litening III replace Litening II first major update. but change radar to PS-05A/ Mk.3
And add Mk.13 & Mk.18 Paveway II on SAAF Gripen C
The canards are another thing currently not well-modelled. I have read in several places that they do not participate in rolling the aircraft (only the elevons should), but I haven’t found a good source for that. Anyone have one? In game they move when rolling.
Btw, can we edit the title? This discussion is not exclusively about the SAAF Gripen.
we should also be able to use them as air brakes on the ground, but currently doesn’t seem to work completely even pitching the nose down.
Just curious, currently the gripen is among the best FMs if not the best FM for realistic battles. Is the gripen arguably overperforming or are the turn rates and energy retention actually correct besides the G-load limits people are discussing above?
Well people are saying it G limits might be too low so i think its fine in the turn rates
The F16A is still the better FM
There is a huge misconception going around that the Gripen is a bad dogfighter due to the lower TWR and that is has a low rate speed due to it being a delta wing.
I think most people picked up this misconception from content creators and armchair experts.
The Gripen has a super advanced/modern airframe with far lower drag and way better aerodynamics than something like an F16, so despite its lower thrust to weight, it can still outperform the F16 (keep in mind there are multiple F16 variants out there with varying thrust and aerodynamics, so it depends)
From what I’ve learnt from actual fighter pilots - the Gripen is very similar to the F16 in dogfighting capabilities - but the Gripen (despite far lower thrust to weight) can regain it’s energy better.
I think the Gripen in the game is currently pretty accurate - F16A is still better than it in the game, which I’m not sure if it should.
The high speed maneuverability is where I don’t know how accurate it is from real life, but we also have to consider that war thunder allows it to pull more G’s than real life would - same with F16
It can literally go vertical and lose little to energy like an F15, rate better than a tomcat or F16… still is good in 1c but it’s a UFO RN