Edit, measured wrong first time, changed image:
you would have placed a protractor behind the plane 10 meters away, it would have been 50 degrees at all
The flight vector should be placed on the center of mass, not the tail
I completely measured wrong, i was already in the process of fixing it when you messaged. image changed.
you’re correct, its closer to 22.
but the video you sent is way past 30 deg.
Grippen has a limit like 24-26 degrees AoA,
Yes, now that you say it i remember.
But my point still stands, the FBW wont give more than what the plane can do.
It’s probably modeled wrong in game due to them having to model that function while also having a stable instead of unstable aircraft. Thus making it to stable in situations it shouldn’t be.
Gripen is losing altitude in the entrance of the maneuver, maintaining speed at loss of altitude. AoA initially is ~35 degrees from picture view or closer to 30 degrees from the actual ground and gets lower as video goes on and he begins to pull out of the maneuver.
It is not a consistent low speed AoA pass, it just appears to be on video.
There is no need for this, they can model departure symptoms for the fully stable Kfir Canard, Mirage 2000, even on the MiG-29 and Su-27 departure symptoms are modeled even with the aircraft acting unstable in the correct conditions. They are not modeled at all for the F-16, Gripen, J-10, etc.
There simply is no excuse for it, modifying the flight model files for user missions with the CDK results in correctly performing aircraft without drawbacks and without bricking mouse aim instructor. These are made up excuses from the devs for seemingly no reason.
Their entire FM is stretched over a World War I biplane. We need a completely different FM for 4th generation aircraft
vertical display is now reversed, it does up when the radar beam goes down
bonus screenshot, I AM THE RADAR MAN, SEEER OR ALL
[DEV] Gripen C vertical radar display incorrect behavior
Nice, i added it not moving, as it should
I know it is Gripen E sim, but they use the same display, and you can see it move over the course of the video
what does it indicate if not the radar elevation?
oh my mistake I misinterpreted what you said
The display should move up and down, so you can see the beam/target relatively to your plane. Now it does not move, only the beam, causing it to have a limited use.
Thank you for making these reports! I’m very much looking forward to turning off HUD entirely in the Gripen because of these new fancy displays, I’d just hate if this gets left acknowledged for 9 months
Now you just have to wait to the next update, when they add flight data and ew display
Is it’s new RWR a nerf or a bug? It doesn’t seem to identify aircraft anymore…
Dunno what they did.
And since most of the weaponry on our gripen is based on what it could carry in theory, it also should receive brimstone…
“Most” ?
i don’t think there are that many munitions on the gripen that are theoretical and not carried in some capacity at some time or at the very least successfully tested (except for perhaps the R-darter and sky flash). But i might be remembering wrong.