now you have started talking about ground which i am not.
i am ONLY talking about win rates in air RB (and probably air SB) as those are the only two game modes where you bring only one vehicle. so that’s the only time you can actually use win rate for anything statistical. regarding the player base for a nation and matchmaking it has no bearing on what we are talking about as those numbers are an average of all players of that nation an thus outside the scope of discussion. the win rates i’m talking about and am referring to are the individual player ones for specifically individual vehicles (air RB and air SB) since that’s the only time the data is useful.
in a single vehicle yes, so the statistics are still for the individual player for that specific vehicle.
i then gather that the image you posted are his stats from air SB?
because its a singular vehicle used per match and a singular player it works to look at.
and “clearly better KD ratio” is an exaggeration, as i said before its just under one more kill per ten games. its almost negligible.
because the win rate are for that specific vehicle and not the players total average win rate in that game mode. its a bell curve over that vehicles win rate over time. as in: some days he might only win 1 in 10 matches and others its 5 in 10 creating a bell curve that averages out to a median of 3 in 10 overall.
so to summarize and try to explain further:
his win rate on a good day in a Russian vehicle is still worse than a bad day in the JAS39C.
Looks like an ASRAAM with TVC
Not sure where the BOL is in this photo but that doesn’t look like a CRL/BOL.
CRL/BOL on Gripen;
I though it had BOLs well back to the drawing board
Do think gajin would give the SAAF gripen BOLs with R Darter
That what concerns me the most as their is no way to prove it
It would probably depend on what rail the R Darter uses
No idea, I’d suggest going after the CRL “Common Rail Launcher” / LAU-139 and confirming the Derby/R-Darter can be mounted to it.
The manufacturer of the CRL had the following missiles supported;
Well thats gonna be a issue find
Thank you for the info
Indeed, R-Darter is normally pictured on its own special rail;
You can also confirm compatibility by finding the Derby series on a CRL.
But the winrate isn’t just reflecting how good a vehicle is. It’s also reflecting the sim matchmaker, which is much stricter than arcade and realistic. Therefore it’s reflecting the players playing major nations (USSR) and minor nations like Sweden and the UK.
I was literally just writing that.
It has 22km range so it is on the higher end for a SRAAM.
looks like an IRIS-T without the wings…
Can you take your off topic stuff else where we don’t want it here
Appears on topic to me, I’d like to keep up with this. The MiG-29 got dogged on and was given the R-27ER almost immediately in response. Gripen has been dominating and nothing has been done so far. Weird.
I love how its not a gripen issue. its more related to the flight models of things like MIG-29 and SU-27 being dogshit.
Where does it dominating in game have anything to with technical data
Like im trying to find Derby/R darter mounted on a common launcher rail so i can say that R darter should get BOLs on the same rail