SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

ily @Markus752

Make sure you guys put this in the report.

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It’s making 35% more thrust but matches the speed and accleration. Please enlighten me how that is supposed to work in a physical enviroment without the other factors being severely off.


hey anyone notice the gripen radar right now is just a copy pasted APG-68(v)5


Sorry to interrupt your discussion… Do we have any news updates regarding the 39C cockpit? Or will GJ just leave cockpit-A?

P.S. Widescreen HUD with narrow image is starting to annoy me. It’s look like we still have invisible square inside any type of HUD and the size of HUD-glass don’t have a matter



And the real one


It looks like MUCH wider.


I figured something was fishy with it

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And I just now noticed that the IRL-HUD is slightly tinted, which obviously should help to better see the readings on the HUD glass.


considering that gaijin has yet to fix the JA 37D’s cockpit, it’ll probably stay this way for some time

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Yeah, we are lucky the cockpit is as good as it is. Many aircraft lack even half the functionality of the Gripens cockpit

it literally has the HMD from the F-4S afaik

I have no idea, but the HMD definetly doesn’t match the rest of the HUD. But it does have the radar symbology stuff which is missing from the F3 and FRS1


maybe thats different on the C model. The A model just has 2 rings and 2 dots(top left and bottom left)

AFAIK HMD Cobra look like that. This is the best image I could find



It would be nice to have one in the foreseeable future.

AT LEAST WILL BE FINE DON’T MIX IMPERIAL AND METRIC SYSTEM IN ONE COCPIT! It looks extremely strange when the “clock” in the cockpit shows the speed in km/h, and the HUD shows the speed in knots. It’s the same with height. “Clock” are in kilometers and HUD is in feet. But the main rofl is the rangefinder. When captured by radar or TWS, the distance is measured, as I understand it, in miles (possibly nautical, not sure), but when the missile is activated, a circle appears under which the same distance is indicated in kilometers. Are there any other aircraft in WT whose cockpit works in both systems at once?

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id guess the mig 29G

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My new favourite tactic in the gripen is to perform high altitude BFM

It seems most players have switched their playstyles to low altitude IR misisle dogfights, this means almost nobody is bothering to enter the cons or do any kind of high altitude flying.

There is always one su27 or mig29 who will try to do this, but for whatever reason the gripen can easily break lock though notch or going cold and chafing. It’s very easy to our BFM any NVR missile with the aim9m. Launch at max lock range and chances are they won’t know what’s coming.

Once you are above the furball, you will basically be ignored.

The aim9m then comes into its own, as when fored from high altitude it can hit targets from 10km away with ease. Enemies won’t flare or chaff because they don’t look up. You can easily get an ace or better by targeting groups of enemies that would otherwise think there is no threat to them.

My plan is to try this tactic on the su27, because R27ETs are going to be an absolute monster.

I just really wish the min max an o escape range indicator for the skyflash was working properly and indicated the correct parameters.

According to the radar on the gripen the skyflash has far greater range than it actually does, almost twice as much infanct.

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Bug Report:

Been having this strange “ghosting” in TWS mode. Really hard to explain but here is some clips:


Never experienced this in the Tornado F3. So I think its a bug.

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Need to try that tactic. I’ve just slapped a few Mig-29Gs silly by hugging the deck ultra low, then loft when they get into range, firing a Aim-9M and banking hard, dumping a load of Flare/chaff. They then pull their nose up to stay on my tail, making an easy shot for my 9M

I also had some very… strange… behaviour in an earlier match. No idea why and it only did it the once. But basically it just wouldnt accelerate smoothly, it was like the airbrake kept toggling on and off rapidly. It was really wierd. If it does it again, i’ll bug report it properly, but it might have been because my PC was doing stuff in the background and just did 2 matches without issue.

But figured it was best to throw it out there, just incase anyone else encounters it too:


that is weird, have you been able to reproduce it after that?

also I noticed this in the F-16D which funny enough is a mostly copy pasted radar or rather the JAS39 radar is a copied and pasted APG-68V5

No. I havent yet, At some point in the next few days I’ll check that map again, I rarely play it, so might have been that map. Otherwise my assumption is that it was something in the background causing issues. Like a steam update. Had no issue in my matches this evening so i’ll keep an eye out