Russian 115mm ammunition

Are there better ammunition for the Russian 115mm cannon instead of 3bm3 and 3bm4? In my eyes they are underperforming at 8.7, those are basically glorified apds ammunition

The T-62s are fine. At 8.7 there is not a whole lot that 3BM4 struggles against. It has the same penetration as the XM803/MBT70’s XM578E1 at 9.0, and it retains penetration better over long range.

They are indeed one of the mediocre one at 8.7 but definitely not the worst ammunition in that br when you compare it with what the Chieftain mk3/5 uses. Ru 8.7 actually lacking in firepower department compare to their counterpart, the good thing is they are actually enough to go through most armor they faced, maybe move up a little you have the T-62M1 with 3BM28 with very good angle pen.


It’s not about the pen it’s about the chances that it will “ricochet”

Bounced so many shots on tam’s marder’s etc.

Yes, but that is a problem because of volumetric armor/shells, not penetration. You can add 3BM60 at 8.7 and still ricochet.

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Because that is what APFSDS was in the early days.

There is a 3BM-6 - and according to wiki it has less flat plate penetration than the earlier ones, but might have better performance vs sloped armour - the reference given is penetration “Estimated with Lanz Odermatt Formula at 60 degrees and vertical performance being based on 3BM-4 since both have a piercing cap.”


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And I would trust that more than those, not because of pen but because it has less chance to ricochet

Chieftain Mk3 uses superior ammo equal to 3BM25.

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And then there’s also a 3BM21 - lots of previous threads about that…

also a visualisation: