TYPE: 3-seated Torpedobomber
2x movable MG 15 machineguns
2x MG 17 machineguns
920Kg Mines, Bombs or 1 torpedo
Wingspan: 22.00 m
Length: 17.30 m
Height: 6.60 m
Net weight: 5,300 kg
Maximum take-off weight: 10,400 kg
Top speed: 355 km/h
Cruising speed: 295 km/h
Peak altitude: 5,500 m
Engines: 2× BMW 132N radial engines (856 hp)
SERIAL NUMBERS - times in service and fates
The N and B verison shares the same history
The first picture is very likely the F.62, but it could aslo be the F.52 wich is the N variant, it is hard to see.
In the 1930s, a commission was tasked with assessing the equipment in the Navy’s Air Force. One of the conclusions was that one should look for modern torpedo planes that could carry the new and much heavier aircraft torpedoes that were being developed. Several aircraft types were under consideration when, in the autumn of 1937, an inquiry came from Heinkel in Germany with an invitation to look at their new He 115. The aircraft made a good impression and was also released for export in the spring of 1938.
At the same time, it became known that the Luftwaffe would invest in the aircraft and that the Swedish Air Force would follow Norway’s choice. On 24 August 1938, 6 aircraft were ordered and future license production in Norway was negotiated. The first aircraft, the F.50, was formally taken over on 14 July 1939 and flew to Horten. The rest were retrieved individually throughout the late summer and autumn of 1939, partly under dramatic circumstances. Norway was also offered to buy a further 6 aircraft for delivery at the end of March 1940. The offer was accepted, but these aircraft never arrived in Norway and were subsequently taken over by the Luftwaffe.
When the war came in 1940, three of the aircraft were stationed in southern Norway and three in northern Norway. The F.60 was on the sun, but was not airworthy and was taken by the Germans. F.52 and F.58 were stationed on Flatøy and F.58 was sent up to bomb the German vessels on their way in to Bergen. None of the bombs did any damage. F.52 was then evacuated together with an M.F.11 to Norheimsund, Granvin and later Eidfjord, while F.58 and the rest of the M.F.11 aircraft were eventually gathered in Balestrand in Sogn. Both groups became involved in the battles against German forces and vessels. On 23 April, the group in Hardanger was disbanded and F.52 was transferred to Sogndal in poor technical condition. On 1 May, the defense in Western Norway was abandoned and F.58 was sent north to Skattøra, while F.52 and M.F.11 F.328, both of which were quite worn out, were sent over to Great Britain. The F.328 was probably shot down by British anti-aircraft fire, while the F.52 arrived with one engine out of order.
The three Norwegian He-115 machines at Skattøra were initially involved in attacks on German aircraft, but then things calmed down until the beginning of May. However, the division was reinforced with two German He 115b which had made emergency landings at Brønnøysund and in Glomfjord due to a lack of fuel. These got Marines No. F.64 and F.62. The Heinkel planes carried out several successful attacks in the first half of May and towards the end of the month
When the fighting in northern Norway was over, the Four Heinkels that were in the best condition, F.58, F.54, F.56 and F.64 were sent over to Shetland. The F.50 was sent to Finland and the F.62 was left behind. However, the F.54 encountered problems on the way and returned to Norway, where it was sunk. The F.50 was then used by the Finns until it was shot down by the Russians in Eastern Karelia on June 4, 1943. The aircraft has since been raised. The four aircraft that were in Great Britain were put in and out of German-occupied areas. The planes were flown individually by naval aviators Knut Skavhaugen and Håkon Offerddal, and are said to have completed a number of successful missions on the French coast. Developments in North Africa made it necessary to travel from Malta, and one machine was lost here. Later, a trip to the Norwegian coast from Woodhaven was planned. The last aircraft was chopped up at Woodhaven in late 1942
F.62 SKIN - Unique and special looking!
F.60 N-verison but he flag/lines/marks is simlar
https://ibb.co/album/h1cVm7 (pictrues)
Norsk He 115
Heinkel He 115 – Store norske leksikon
RNoAF i miniatyr: He-115 | Polar Coordinate
Heinkel He 115 – Wikipedia
- Yes
- No