Responding To Your Feedback On Separate Battle Ratings

Didn’t even mention the A-4s… cmon man, they gonna suck at those BRs, at least drop the Ayit to 9.7 since there’s no 10.0 Vehicles for ground forces at all…

Nvm seems they did :P

I think quite a lot of people would like to see a spreadsheet with these efficiency numbers

this is just blatantly wrong, anyone that has played a tornado ids knows that they are terrible in ARB

fair enough. i supported the AMX going up to 10.7 during the last be changes but majority of people flipped their shit about it

again this is just blatantly wrong. the Su-25 is arguably a better CAS aircraft than the A-10 because of how broken the damage model is

don’t even get me started with this one. the ONLY reason why these planes have a “balanced” efficiency is because of the amount of brand new players that flock to these planes. all of them are extremely good in ARB, especially in downtiers where they will see a lot of flareless planes. plus even when you run out of missiles a reasonable pilot can still dogfight in them. these planes have ruined one of my favorite brs because half the time then I play a 9.3 plane I get a full uptier and I think nearly everyone wants these planes moved up in ARB.


Hey Gaijin, you put yourself into this situation yourself, and now you have to fix it. You really think it’s fair that something at 9.0 can fight an a-10 with 2 aim-9ls? If it gets within 2 kilometers of a 9.0 the 9.0 is dead. Also, people should be aware whenever the buy these premiums with all aspects attackers at 10.0 that the flight performance sucks. They need to be moved up to 10.7 minimum, or expand BR to 15.0 to get rid of this compression. Absolutely ridiculous that a 9.0 up tier without flares is almost impossible to do anything in.


look at the spreadsheet, they did

Yay! Thx for pointing that out, I just read the post and not the list, assumed they woulda mentioned it. Haha mb man, srry

Yea. Im not saying put them higher or lower thats up to you but unify their BRs. Only diference is that tech tree ones carry guided weapons which are useless in air RB

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Yep, ultimately whether they are 11.3 or 11.0 worthy comes down to whether or not they get their missing CMs this update. Hopefully with a buffed FM. But yeah, 0.logic as to why they have different BRs

The A-7E and A-7D’s needs to go way down in Air RB, they are worse than the AV-8C harrier at 9.7 in every way, be it gun, manevourability, missiles etc.

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The sole reason people were asking for separate BR’s was so that these jets couldn’t grief on the flareless jets at 9.0-10.0. You people at Gaijin can somehow do the thing community begs for for years, and still somehow manage to fuck it up. Just raise the BR of those 10.0 planes. Ground strikers aren’t meant to be as efficient as fighters.


Quite frankly a joke that you want to ruin the BR if 9.0-10.3 just because it would make the 5 (3 of which being premium) All aspect Ground attack slingers unfun to play. Given this logic, why don’t we see the MiG-21F-13, J7II, Milan, Mirage III, etc. at a lower br as these are equally unfun to play due to their lack of flares at the same BR as some of the best all aspect non IRCCM missiles in the game.

Surely, if you want to make planes fun to play, you make the ground attackers fun to play in Ground RB, and the fighters fun in Air RB? You have already made plans to change the BR’s of aircraft that are too dominant in ground, but to not change them also in air to reflect this is ridiculous. Not only do you contradict your own self, you frustrate your own playerbase because 3 of the 5 aircraft at that are ruining the BR’s are 60 Dollar pack premiums.

Quite simply, re-evaluate your decisions to ensure that your game that you want to be fun, stays fun.


The A-10A Late was already not that great at 10.3, now there’s gonna be no point in using it at 10.7 as there isn’t a lineup and it’s not worth potentially uptiering your 10.3 lineup to 11.7 top tier where you will face the Panthsir anyway, also there are much better options at that tier be it F-4E Phantom or A-7’s


The issue I see with this, which I also see becoming more pronounced across the board with the decoupling of Air and Ground BRs, is that these aircraft fundamentally aren’t designed to compete in an air-to-air scenario, let alone with gen 4 fighters. I think it’s unfair to balance them based on their capabilities in A2A combat, and that changes should be made to the missions they play to support playing their intended role - this is a common complaint I’ve seen for years about flying strike aircraft and bombers.

Matching low performance airframes with very high performance fire-and-forget missiles against higher performing airframes without countermeasures, standoff distance capability with their weapons, or any meaningful counterplay isn’t fun for anyone nor is it healthy for the game.

Overall though, this update is doing a great job at helping to improve balance, so credit where credit’s due. Looking forward to how many aircraft this could make viable in either gamemode where they weren’t previously, both in this patch and future ones.


I am just not going to fly the Super Etendard anymore, which is really tragic.

Actually, the effects are felt as low as 7.0 because the Sabres and Mig-15s went down because the flare-less supersonic aircraft being so low, which is a result of all aspect missile slingers being too low.


9.3 flareless planes should not have to go up against all-aspect missiles, but the premium A-10 and Su-25 players have to get their XP gain from somewhere, right? These planes are attackers, they should be getting clubbed in Air RB once their missiles are spent.

Base bombing is popular only because it’s a reliable way to gain XP at any skill level. Instead of buffing kill rewards to encourage fighting and not bombing, the response is to nerf bombing???


I am sorry Gaijin but this is just not good enough.
These planes have been an absolute terror to the flareless planes since they were introduced.
The missiles these planes carry are for defense NOT offence, they should NOT be at any battle rating where they can see planes that do NOT have flares.

It is high time these planes go up in BR away from planes that have no flares and no counter play to all aspect missiles.


Well its good they actually listened to some things.
The jags and the buccaneers didn’t need to go up, as they sit in their own lineup and are perfectly fine in GRB so thats good they didnt nuke them in the british grb lineup. I think the A7K should go down to 10.3 as I think 10.7 is still a lil high but at least its a start.

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They dont know what a line-up is ! They only sell top tier premiums that are spawned once !


The Vulcan is amazing, plenty of countermeasures, and great missiles, but other than a lack of thrust, they are pretty great planes it has great lift and low speed preformance, but if stats are low I bet you’ll see it drop more. For me it was fine anyway, and that’s before the new changed get implemented. I remember having a blast in the A-7D awhile back

That’s because the vacuum in question is a stale, unimaginative decade old game mode designed primarily for propeller driven aircraft.

Stop treating the symptoms and start working on a cure. Air RB needs a full re-work.