A whole one mm off. Wow. Shocker.
At least I wasn’t the guy who said it was a 105mm 😂😂
I don’t think he was saying the HSTV-L has an 105 I think he meant every up till M900 on the 105 have problems. They also need to update the wiki cause they changed the cannon to the ADMAG.
i dont know what he said but the 105 have slight problem
The M900 is fine but things like M774 and M735 gets eat by ERA quite alot, and so is XM885
things that have lower pen than the M829(or DM33 or like ~450mm KE?) usually have this problem
Whatever the centaros have works wonders, it’s 105s and in my opinion all 105s do seemingly too much damage.
(Not that I’m complaining)
Might take a few years lol
OP = 2nd worst tank at top tier, yeah okay.
I mean, if he said “he just wants his favorite tank to not get fixed” he’d still be wrong, I’d love for my T-80UK to get its reload corrected to its actual reload of 6.0 secs
Leave the Abrams alone. Instead of working on the accepted bug reports already made you guys focus on nerfing the already existing tank. Took you all years to fix the engine noise which is not even accurate. How about the real DU armor it uses, the turret ring, the spall liners or the proper round it uses? Nahh, instead we get a turret basket. No one ask for a turret basket.
That’s the problem never listen to the community.
Nice that you added a autoloader on the russian side not attached to the turret ring. Is nice that whenever you shot them on the side now it gets damage but they can one shot you right? T90M, BVM 2020+ tanks
My god… U cant think by yourself? Its cuz maybe JUST MAYBE it was brand new and lacked the average? It could be high back the but 17? Isnt that insane to even think that?
T-90M didn’t receive spawl liners ?
Is the turret nerf now off the table or is it still going live? Still just for Abrams and Leo hulls or is it at least planned to level the playing field?
@Smin1080p_WT VT-5 gets turret baskets update too, it should gets turret basket floor only too, will it have same change?
Anything but frontally it is absolutely true.
Read the other posts, but I know reading makes your head hurt.
It was certainly out for at least a month by then. I personally checked a few guys kds in it, because I genuinely had to see how broken the leo 2a7 is
Me on campania sitting ontop of a hill: casually absorbs 6-10 penetrating hits minor crew loss
wow the size of that is absurd
I really wish we’d stop seeing cool unique TT additions as squadron vehicles. It’s nice they can be earned for free but I don’t like spending months grinding for one vehicle either.
Without any way to speed up the grind either other than just playing the game doing something else. By the time I’ve gotten the vehicle I’ve usually stopped caring.
Yeah its a great tank, one of the best 2.
OP is about the abrams not stacking up to either of them.
Not that I play Abrams. t90m or the leo. I have the Strv but dont like the thermals.
it’s fine for VT-5, there is also a heavy armored one in Datamine, should be TT, also ZTZ-15 should be TT too. but now gaijin almost screw it up, composite armor filled with air, hull is made of paper, and now a huge turret bucket.
It doesn’t get composite armor?