Renard R.38 - Belgium's best prop fighter

So, I guess it just spontaneously appeared in Munich? xD

It’s moot anyway, captured is captured.

It could’ve very well been transported there by train.
Still, if you want a German Renard fighter for some reason, there is the R.37 that was actually tested by a German pilot

I wonder if you feel the same way about all the german aircraft that the allies captured while liberating Europe. Should they all be in everyone’s tree as well? That sounds like a rather unpleasant clusterf*** to me.

Regardless, I think Germany has more than enough unique and domestic options before they’ll ever need something like the R-38 to prop up their tree.


Already are.

Sorry autocorrect is annoying. Is the type of grenade launcher known?

Unfortunately not :(
I’m not expecting it to be modelled if the plane ends up in the game, but thought it’d be cool to point out

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Actually wrong, only the US (bf109 and FW 190) and the USSR (FW 190). (No British captured German planes, though the french have one that was given post war as war reparations) And even then only the ones they actively used in combat. Most captured German equipment is NOT in game as such.