Remove shell room (NOT magazine) detonation

she didnt sink is what im saying very durable well designed ship pretty both scarnhorst and bismarck had to be tag teamed to be sunk while they needed a massive bomb so big it caused three lancasters to crash before one finally got off the ground to sink tiriptz honorable mention prinz eugen got hit by a nuke and stay afloat for hours

to be fair they didnt send a whole naval task force to sink hms warspite in either war

while she was alone

I mentioned this issue on my new thread to try to save USS Tennessee!

Considering that all US battleships moving forward uses barbettes for shell room storage this is a serious problem. Tennessee is an interesting ship in the regards of ‘what if shell rooms dont insta-kill US BBs,’ which then leads into this next issue.

As HK said shells are tough, with some still being intact when Arizona blew up. The only solution here is removing detonation of the shells and make them guarenteed fires instead. That way, US BBs moving forward arent rendered useless in one salvo.

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