How to kill a vehicle
Which are fine I presume. We have at 5.0 192mm APHE.
STs have such a strong magnification and a wobbly gun (but relatively fast and mobile hull) they already seem placed where they are not needing a BR change. STs are not too hard to pop at their current BR and with the move to CQC playstyle (seems to be the way most play for quick action) their optics and nature of the gun are not exactly optimal.
People using the value of pen alone (not saying you are) are missing more important aspects of balance and too often “Look Big Pen Not fair” appears to be the “argument”. Just for consideration.
7.0 is a bit high but 6.7 for sure. And for that people defend 6.0 is fine, just go and check his stats you can find since people dont stop talking about “skill issues” and they have exactly ZERO battles played or non 3 main nations players basically dont have heavy tanks been clubbing by tanks like that (Japanese or UK mainly). Basically i dont suffer that problem so you cant complain because im fine…
Both M-51 are performing better than many of the 6.3 or even 6.7 HEAT dispenser. They have higher win ratio and frags per battle than ST-1/2, Type 60, Spz LGS or 2S1.
According to what, ThunderSkill? That site is effectively defunct. It hasn’t been updated to include new vehicles like the M-51, but rather only has the M-51 (W) on it. That’s a premium and it only has 145 battles to draw statistics from, compared to the 317 that the STA-1, the 439 that the STA-3, the 415 that the Type 61, the 312 that the Type 60 SPRG (C), or the 285 that the SPz 12-3 LGS, has. Aside from the SPz 12-3 LGS, they’re also all tech tree vehicles rather than premiums.
Oh, my bad. I couldn’t get a page to load for it, just for the premium version. Though, those stats aren’t performing better than most of the vehicles you pointed out. The ground frags per battle are inflated because the M-51 gets three respawns. The ground frags per death is only 1.37. Meanwhile:
- STA-1; 2.47
- STA-2; 4.36 (inflated due to incredibly low battle number of 127, not reliable)
- Type 60 SPRG (C); 1.33
- SPz 12-3 LGS; 1.7
The 2S1 is the only one performing substantially worse at a 0.99, but that’s a reason for that to move down rather than for the M-51 to move up.
Most of the people just use 1 or 2 respawn.
Meanwhile you are ignoring the rest.
Is more than acceptable for a change to 6.3. Or in another case just move Spz LGs to 6.0 aswell. You know just a glass cannon with HEAT.
Most of the people just use 1 or 2 respawn.
Evidently they don’t, since there are as many ground frags per game as they would’ve gotten if they respawned 3 times and gotten the ground frags per death. You pulled that out of your arse.
Meanwhile you are ignoring the rest.
What rest?
Is more than acceptable for a change to 6.3. Or in another case just move Spz LGs to 6.0 aswell. You know just a glass cannon with HEAT.
It’s getting 1.37 ground frags per death. The SPz 12-3 LGS is getting 1.7 ground frags per death. Why are those screaming “overpowered” to you? They’re already glass cannons with HEAT.
Im playing this tank and you dont. And i see contantly how most of the people leave after 1 or 2 is very very rare use the 3 spawns.
Win ratios and Frags per battles what basically Gaijin use for determinate BRs.
Very lower win ratio and frags per battle so according to Gaijin should be moved to 6.3 or 6.0.
But i asking to you, should or not???
M51 is basically a coin flip if your round one shots or maybe takes out one crew. They are easy to kill and to catch off guard.
I usually see german tanks getting eaten by them because, in my theory, they have the “glorious germany heavy” syndrome and assume they can bounce the round.
Not to defend that, but tbh they should assume so, having 400mm+ pen HEAT at 6.0 where most vehicles are from WW2 is pretty unfair, unrealistic, unexpected, etc
Increase the damage of the HEAT and ATGM, and then raise their Br so that they can face tanks of the same era, and solution.
I have no problems using the M51 against T-54, the problem I have is that I shot the T-54 in the hull front with a HEAT of 400mm penetration and many times only killed the driver.
Im playing this tank and you dont. And i see contantly how most of the people leave after 1 or 2 is very very rare use the 3 spawns.
Bro your own statistics disagree with you. The M-51 has as many ground frags per game as it would get if it respawned three times in accordance to its ground frags per death.
Very lower win ratio and frags per battle so according to Gaijin should be moved to 6.3 or 6.0.
But i asking to you, should or not???
Most of the win ratios hover around 50%, including the M-51. Ground frags per battle are irrelevant for reasons I’ve already explained; the M-51 gets three free spawns whereas other tanks gets one. It’s inflated due to that and can’t be trusted as an accurate assessment of the vehicle.
Excuse me, what???
Just go and play it. Practically NEVER i see a M-51 players using the 3 rspawns.
Regular M-51 is 61%
Spz LGS is 49%
Is a huge diference.
Again, practically no one used the 3 spawns and the other tanks can be used 2 times thanks to back ups.
M-51 is not inflated is a very effective tank and need move up because right now is performing much better than similar characteristics tanks in higher BRs or move down the other tanks.
@SPANISH_AVENGER Ves lo que te dije??? auténticos expertos si tener n.p.i.
Excuse me, what???
The ground frags per battle are three times the ground frags per death on a tank that can respawn three times in a battle. Put two and two together instead of trying to hamfist your ill-informed argument.
Regular M-51 is 61%
Spz LGS is 49%
Is a huge diference.
STA-1 has a WR of 57.88%, not that big of a difference.
Bad thinking imo. If I am in anything, even a t95 or maus, I try to gauge if whatever I am facing can pen me. I will then change my strategy. I never just hold W and assume I can bounce whatever is in front of me.
Even at 6.0, there are many APHE rounds that will go through a tiger.
Or maybe you can play instead doing the ridiculous…
Practically no one use the 3 respawns vuz is not necesseary!!!
A 6.3 tank so M-51 with higher win ratio should be 6.3 too.
Or maybe you can play instead doing the ridiculous…
Practically no one use the 3 respawns vuz is not necesseary!!!
Or maybe you could make an actual argument instead of relying on your persona anecdotal. The statistics don’t match up with what you’re trying to claim.
A 6.3 tank so M-51 with higher win ratio should be 6.3 too.
Why? Aside from the larger calibre, the STA-1 and STA-2 is just better than it.