Reload speed of T-54/55 tanks

Bold of you to assume I haven’t read it. Promising start of our relationship, mate.

You’ve missed the point I am trying to make: what do you think people are doing with this tank in game? They aim it’s gun, and fire at targets (among other things).

Now because of various factors like: map layout which favours short range engagements, simplified fire controls, idealized optics quality and gunsight alignment, it is usually possible to achieve the aimed rate of fire equal to the maximum rate of fire e.g. shooting as fast as the loader can load a new shell into the breech.

Now, as we can see in this real life test, the actual aimed rate of fire can be as low as 2rpm. Perhaps then giving this tank a ROF of 8rpm isn’t the best way to balance it in a game that is, at least allegedly, trying to be more realistic than the World of Tanks.

I acknowledge that this is an issue not just with this specific vehicle, but with how the game is currently balanced in general, so I agree that if this tank gets lower ROF because of this reasoning, all the other tanks in the game should as well.

This happens for example with the Comet MkI, I don’t know if it really had that ROF in reality, but since it is balanced using this, the reload time should be adjusted, because it is already horrible due to the damage caused by the cannon, with The reload time it has only worsens the disaster of a tank it is.

This is what Gaijin has been doing since 2012: instead of fixing a problem, they create a new one to “fix” it.

If the damage of the gun is bad, this is what should be addressed, not tweaking the reload speed to try to compensate.

Until solid shot in this game will explode in a 360° sphere like APHE, (maybe with less fragments and lighter fragments to balance its higher pen) it will be greatly inferior, regardless of how many fragments are generated in its primary damage cone.


It’s aimed RoF. An important metric as it takes into account how well the vehicle is designed for the crew to be effective.

Aimed RoF of the Tiger II H was according to Soviets very similiar to the IS-2 and both were much better than just 2 rounds per minute.

In WT you have the same awareness in every vehicle and you can immediatly react and lay your gun on target with the only limiting factor being the gun traverse.

well youre asking for a reload rate nerf using a western source as evidence that use parameters that no tank in game have into account, so no, unless every other tank in game are held to this standard, the reload rate should not be 4 or the 2 that the paper claims (using just 2 crews with cuestionable training on them), when we have much better evidence of the actual reload rate.

on modern tanks maybe due to the much better suspension, targeting system and gun handling… on tanks of the same era that’s not the case.

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That’s why for many years now I’ve been saying that what needs to be done is realistic damage, with APHE with a cone of fragments and Full AP with a 10% smaller damage cone, then doing the damage of all the others well. bullets that do not do the damage they should, such as APCR, APDS, HEAT-FS and HESH, and then balance the tanks well as they should with their performance.
It would also be realistic (although possibly very difficult for developers) to model the rebounds of fragments inside the tanks, since for example a Full AP when penetrating and maintaining a certain size would bounce around the tank, killing the crew members it hit.