Reduce Multipathing for Active Radar Homing (Fox 3) Missiles in Air-Simulator Game Mode

The fact MP iw so powerful, it gives an inherent advantage to players NOT using their radar is honestly insanity.


Believe me, I wish I could answer this question, but there is nothing to share.


Could you perhaps bring this thread to the devs attention, being a suggestion moderator?

I don’t know if the devs read the forums, if they do they’ll find this post but otherwise I’d hope this thread isn’t falling on deaf ears.

I’d like to emphasise, any reduction in the multipath altitude will be great, as low as they can go.
Ideally 30-60 meters.


Hopefully gaijin is at least aware of us players opinion on it, the thread is one of the most discussed and viewed in the dev server threads, and clearly most sim players that are willing to voice their opinions are against the mechanic as it is.


Alright, thanks anyways m8. Idk what avenue the community can take to communicate to gaijin they need to kill this stupid mechanic once and for all, but ill do my best to support any efforts put towards it.

I will always believe the current implementation of MP was the single worst and most damaging mechanic gaijin has ever implemented for top tier air battles in WT history.


In case people want to do some reading. Yes, Multipathing is a real phenomenon. However, it’s effects are far too overstated in game. And we have documentation showing current SARHs are resistant at different to various degrees, but all are well below 100m. There is also the excellent source found by @Defbond showing how even if an inverse monopulse missile is affected by multipathing, the likelihood of it being decoyed like it is in game is just fantasy.

I’ll do a more comprehensive post tonight and I’ll make it a separate topic so it isn’t lost when the Dev server ends but this is most of the information in one place.


Removing/nerfing multipath will make top tier unfun (the entire reason anyone plays it)

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i prefer dying to beep boop beep boop rather than invisible no warning missile

reduce it to 50m


And how is idiots being immune to radar missiles just by being below 100m fun?


Because flying low has its own disadvantages.

Not really. It USED to have disadvantages back when missiles were lower performance, aircrafts had lower performance, and contrails werent a thing in-game, which allowed people at high altitudes to dump missiles on peoples heads. But now that we have high performance weapons and airframes and contrails immediately give away someones position at unrealisticaly low altitudes, along with never stopping (contrails happen in an altitude band irl, NOT an arbitrary altitude an above like seen ingame), there is legitimately no advantage to flying high except fuel economy and speed. You just make yourself a very obvious and very easy target.

Gaijin technically COULD alleviate this issue somewhat by PROPERLY modelling contrails. But they dont, likely to make the game easier for bad (rank 7 premium plane) pilots, which is just another nail in the BVR coffin.


The only disadvantage you could argue is having lower maximum speed, which is decurrent of air being denser at low altitude, guess how to solve this? fly higher, as is, theres just no reason to go up because everyone hugs the ground, everyone abuses multipathing in sim because its too easy to do


Yet i think map are kinda small for bvr gameplay + if gaijin keep the 5km cold only to kill with a radar while the super 530d could shoot 10km cold it’s not going to be a nice gameplay take off shoot all with tws go cold land meh

If you think BVR gameplay/duels is just to climb, sling off your Fox 3’s in TWS and go land, you’re gravely mistaken. That’s what F14’s do with Phoenixes where range is not a problem and where… Well, there’s currently a guaranteed 16 people heading your way every single game whether or not you fire the missiles.

With the new Fox 3’s, and with reduced multipath, you’ll quickly come to find that you’re not gonna get any significant kills that way, and you’ll learn how to actually engage people and increase your POK (probability of kill) by inching as close as you possibly can to the opponent to send a lethal missile whilst keeping yourself safe at the same time with anti-missile manoeuvres.

Maps are not too small, although sure I’d like to see some larger ones too. In a proper BVR duel that’s at relatively low altitude, if both parties engage in proper missile evading manoeuvres, you’ll likely not be more than 6-8 miles away from each-other when one of you sends the scoring missile.


Modern missiles are resistant to multipathing so gaijin must give those missiles their real world capabilities and not create something that didn’t exist.
I’ve heard from some youtube videos about war thunder that even AIM 7M has the capability of ignoring multipathing and that’s why I want it to be implemented. This way US jets that don’t have something as good as R27ER can compete with russian jets.


This is a necessary change to War Thunder that will improve overall gameplay. Any issues resulting in this change will be resolved by the community adapting to new mechanics and balancing aircraft that might become stronger due to this netting effect.

As stated by OP, Gaijin themselves have noted the use case of tactics that are enabled by newer and more capable weapons. To then incorrectly model their physics engine against their advertising is dishonest, especially in the face of overwhelming evidence against the status quo.

The R-27, the mainstay of Russia’s top-tier aircraft, has a publicly stated minimum altitude of 20 metres, as per its “Su-27 Flight Manual booklet-1” on Pg.129. 2001. The AIM-7M is stated to begin experiencing the effects of ground clutter at 100ft but has an absolute minimum altitude of 15ft over water, though it will be higher over terrain.

Overall, it not only benefits realism but also gameplay, finally stamping out the current meta that caters towards furballs and mitigates any advantage in skill, as per the definition of the “Game of Skill”, where the outcome is determined by skill, rather than chance.


“Reducing multipathing will encourage diverse and strategic combat scenarios”…nah bro, players will just swing 6ARH missiles like they do on dev RN. With the addition that flying low will be less efective way of defending against this “diverse and strategic” combat tactic. xd

Idiots like you are why it was set at 100m to begin with. Any missile fired outside of 5miles can be easily defeated, even beginning in a head on situation. Within that range they can be defeated by proper planning. Hiding in the multipathing effect is the most skilless gameplay in the game.


I agree with your second statement, i also think that reducing multipathing will lead to even more players playing with ARH missile slingers like su27, f16… and just spam and return and repeat…

I came up with a theory, that we are now closer then ever to the singularity, that air RB and SB will become just BWR and little to no real gun dogfighting. Which i personaly really love, modern 3,4th gen jets dogfighting nose to nose who gets his guns on target first…

I think you need to realize that the more modern we go, the less and less fights become nose to nose dogfights.