Reduce Multipathing for Active Radar Homing (Fox 3) Missiles in Air-Simulator Game Mode

Not just for simulator, this needs to be a thing that only belongs in arcade mode.


could not agree more.

More than even FOX 3’s, this patch I was looking forward to (hoping for) a reduction in multi-pathing.

Multi-pathing is just plain bad for interesting gameplay in its current state. Its far, far too easy to do, simply fly low and every missiles dives into the ground. It doesn’t matter how many are fired, or what kind, they are all wasted, so what’s the point in even having them?

About a year ago, not many people knew it existed, but now, I would say the large majority of players are aware, and because of this, everyone simply hugs the deck to avoid radar missiles, and they take all flares.

I originally liked this, because with flares and chaff being bound together, it would be impossible for airplanes with 60 countermeasures to not run out immediately. but now, with the seperation of the two countermeasure types, and the introduction of ARH missiles, I feel THIS IS THE TIME. I believe the community, can, and will adapt to a multi-path nerf, and learn other ways to defeat missiles (notching and doing a 180) but more importantly with the reduction of multi-pathing, this will lead to something even more important.

Which is people playing at altitude, where airplanes belong. It is quite sad to fly a modern 4th generation aircraft, designed to fly high, and fast, only to hug the deck the entire time. It feels like driving a really fast tank in a 2-dimmensional plane, because using the 3-rd dimension is pointless and actually counter-productive. Reducing Multi-pathing will encourage players to climb in order to extend their missiles range, it will allow players to utilize features like radar elevation control, chaff now that its on a seperate keybind, cranking, going cold, recommitting, the TRUE BVR experience.

Please, @Smin1080p @Stona_WT , the SIM community desperately wants multi-pathing reduced to at least 20-40meters, or whatever is historically accurate for the missile/radar set. I say this as an admin in numerous discord communities, its truly what everyone is talking about. We want this more than we even want new airplanes and missiles, as it would make already existing airplanes and missiles feel entirely different. We have separate key binds for flares and chaff, that was the missing puzzle piece, we have it now, please reduce multi-pathing.

Thank you.


I´d love to see this in game (hopefully also for RB), right now missile trucks like the Tornado or even Su-27 get very hard to play since dogfighters like the JAS39 can just push them without needing to worry about SARH/ARH missile and force a dogfight. Reducing the height at which multipathing seriously affects a missile to 15-25 meters would make it so that doing that tactic would require some acutal skill and attention and would make BVR more feasable in general.


I would REALLY love to see a reduction of multipath on Sim. Nowadays, more than half the Sim lobbies you encounter are always on super flat maps like Denmark or Sinai, where players can easily stay under 100m off the ground.

Not only do you negate all incoming radar missiles this way, but you also force the merge on everyone.

Also, this is probably the most important point i want to make (for Sim gameplay at least), deck-huggers that carry AIM-9M can easily force the merge against every single player they run into. The missile is pretty much invisible, and not only that, its IRCCM requires you to actively flare it properly.

How are you supposed to decoy a missile you cannot see? How are sub-par planes with bad flight performance supposed to negate the merge against superior planes if they can simply hug the deck?

The AIM-9M performance on Sim is besides the point; i just want to finally consider radar missiles an actual threat.


Apollo you have a valid point. This turns the Fox 3 update into a noob hunter. The update should have been called “Seal Hunter.”

I believe that 40-50 Meters is a valid solution. This increases the skill cap and demands the pilot to risk more for the reward of closing the gap.

I support this action and thank you for starting the conversation.

Development team, please make BVR an option.

God Speed,




Where’s the poll chief, I spend my entire afternoon writing this issue in my post but if this is where it’s going to be done I’m more that happy, this is gonna be the single most important issue for the new patch, even more so than the ridiculous BR compression. I wrote my humble opinion in details, long read, but in case if you are interested


if multi-pathing stays, the META will continue to be taking heat seeking missiles entirely.



Completely agree, it will be uncomfortable for players unfamiliar with how to fight radar missiles. But it will be excellent from a gameplay perspective!


I feel like the multipathing effect could vary depending on the radar or weapon.

For earlier missiles, I would actually support the idea to keep multipath the way it is currently, since it makes it easier for newer players to evade radar missiles without much trouble by using this mechanic, while they hopefully learn proper ways of evading radar missiles, by notching, chaffing, cranking to bleed the missile’s energy, etc.

For more modern missiles however, multipath cannot stay the way it is right now. If this mechanic stays, every single radar missile we get in the future will remain just as irelevant.


Implementing it by rank would also be a reasonable approach in my opinion, makes it easier for players to adapt since it happens progressively, and might be easier to implement than on an individual basis


Multipathing sounds like a good idea to protect newbies until you realise some ppl start to exploit it. Okey if I’m not killing someone flying low, but not okey if they use that exploit to kill me.


It does absolutely get exploited, especially in sim, oftentimes the only lobbies avaiable will be Sinai or Denmark, extremely flat maps where players can multipath almost everywhere, the supposed advantage radar missiles give just gets completely negated in these maps as everyone casually flies towards their enemies at max speed near the ground(or sea) without fear of being hit


i 120% agree with this post.


Absolutely agree, but this should be for Air RB as well in my opinion. Air RB has, for a while, been plagued with this issue as well. To the point that it makes it severely unfun. If Warthunder wants to keep this in for people who just want to merge and spam IRCCM missiles then that’s fine. But it should be for air ARCADE. Neither mode that strives for realism at ANY level should be this severely affected by multipathing.


Yap and there’s nasty trick like flying a mig23 close to the ground, wait for the missile to ditch into the soil, before pulling up and fires R24R. This thing works against anything, even against R27ER, anyone trying to kill you will just die because you have a short range yet fastest missile, you just have to raise the nose on 6km mark and no one can’t beat you on that, it’s just brainless play but it works every single time.


agreed. if Multipathing could be outright removed from missiles that dont suffer from it (Aim-7M, R-27ER, Mantra 530D, fox-3s except the Aim-54A and C) would be even better.


Yes, can we please make this happen!


The exaggerated multipathing effect has allowed players who do not wanna put the effort in the game to still have a chance, ruining the experience of pilots that wanna get immersion from the game and get rewarded for employing good tactics, groundhuggers must be stopped, and I’m tired of allowing them to get away just by flying straight


This change needs to happen. It is long overdue, and has plagued top tier air combat for far too long now. There’s is nothing more satisfying than successful BVR engagements, but it just rarely happens in this META. Multipathing is destructive to gameplay. Let’s get it gone.


Multipathing isn’t real, and there are studies confirming this such as this one:

Multipathing does exist on a theoretical level, but it doesn’t affect the accuracy of a missile enough for it to miss the target. People who defend multipathing are compensating for their lack of skill and knowledge, it’s the same people who can’t understand what notching and cranking is because their ‘CPU’ is slow. Multipathing creates a meta which is absolutely ridiculous and makes top tier gameplay similar to a circus full of clowns. Get rid of this garbage mechanic in both RB and SB and make top tier great again!