Real shatter 1.0.....2.0....3.0?

we do however have other .50 caliber MG’s with similar ballistics to compare it to, notably the Russian Berezen UB machine gun. The IAI rounds on the brazen UB significantly outperform the incendiary rounds. based on the data from the test, incendiary rounds should be at LEAST as effective as their high explosive counterparts, particularly against tougher aircraft

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ah sh, here we go again

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I noticed it too. It’s especially noticeable with the severe damage mechanic. It’ll probably be back to crazy high damage when the update arrives, or shortly after. Seems to be the pattern for the last 3 updates or so that damage drops off a cliff one day and then rockets back up just as suddenly.

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Some HE/HEF shells gets fragmentation and some does not. What the hell is going on?

It looks like guns did not “break” after the update.
Unfortunately MG151/20 still hasn’t changed, even after the report being acknowledged… =(

What are RS weapons? Russian? :D
I saw you write that before but I was still shreding planes with 20mm ShVAK FI-T and Type 99-2 HEF-T belts.

I think it’s just an error in protection analysis.

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The explosive round uses realShatter, the APHE doesn’t.

So realShatter rounds are probably bugged in protection analysis.

Maybe only PA is bugged.
Shvak works particularly good thx to next to no spread when guns are close together (like in Yak-3U) and the absolutely busted ballistics. I fire in front of my targets because I wrongly assume light and fast shell should bleed speed at a considerable rate. But they don’t hence Pe-8 tumbling through the sky long-range sniping me.

I guess it would be weird if gaijin broke exact same thing for the 2716th time, it was high time to break something else.

Tested MG131 - in PA it does next to no damage with HE bullets. In test map it absolutely slaughters Bf 110s.

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Do ADENs use realshatter? They’ve been rough for a few years now but now that I’m trying out British jets again with the fuel changes I’ve had horrible luck with them. Constant hits, struggling to crit, let alone kill, long bursts into stalling players not even setting fires, etc.

It was just a protection analysis bug.

It’s all back to “normal”.

Even in protection analysis Shvak delivers insane amount of damage, and MG151/20 can barely compete damage wise (Shvak delivers more direct damage and less fragmentation damage) cause ballistics wise it’s not even close + gun placement + ROF also play in Shvak’s favor.

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The thing is, 20mm are godhammers. 30mm are barely more powerfull with real sh*tter + jet damage models are absolute tanks. I mean, the amount of clobbering required to kill F-84 using MG151/20 is ridiculous, they can also tank MK108 to the face, so I’m not surprised ADENs are not doing well at all

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A new real shatter related thread:


and it is funny that of all the guns in game, gsh23l, shvak, gsh30-2, gsh30-6, gsh30-1, berezin UB12.7 and… literally any russian gun one shots the target or at least puts it out of the match.

Events have happened that changed the game.

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Last battle, A6M5 goes head-on with my Fw 190 F8.
I strike him several times, setting him on fire.
He shotguns his cannons, ONE shell strikes my wing.
Wing is gone.

it took that A6M5 quite some time to die and only because I managed to set him on fire.
I’ve already mentioned this somewhere, but current reality is - A6M5 needs 1 hit vs Fw 190, Fw 190 needs several hits vs A6M5.
How in hell is this balanced?
How in hell is Fw 190 F8 losing entire wing to a single shell.

Esseentialy Type 99 Mk2 is, in many scenarios, hitting just as hard as 30mm cannon. Sometimes it’s worse, but god damn.

The power of inconsistancy and badly implemented shell damage mechanics.

We could just get rid of any shell that isn’t either AP or HE and no one would notice a difference.

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Agree. Incendiary type shell is either AP or absolutely useless. And anything above 20mm is pointless too.

Also Gaijin seems to be absolutely determined to give APHE lower caliber shells 0 fuse delay if there are no numbers to be found.
Examples; Japenese 30mm APHE, MK103 “incendiary tracer” - arguably the most broken shell we have in game, absolutely useless, 30mm high velocity with the killing power lower than Shvak fired from 1000m away - at one point it was modelled after 30mm APHEI, then Gaijin decided to ditch the effort and break it again, right now it’s a fantasy shell that is in belt only to lower the firepower by a factor of 25% if I remember the belt composition correctly.

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It’s just a big mess and the Devs show zero interest in fixing it as long as players can make it work, e.g. by using AP and HE rounds.

Seems like as long as guns kills things, no one is complaining.

But I guess that just shows how WT is practically the CoD of vehicular combat games.
Add nukes, make it look fancy and give player some dopamin reward (Aircraft Destroyed!!!).

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Seems MiG guns are complently useless now even Gaijin “fixed” Real Shatters.

It is literally worse than 50cals rn.