Question about notching at high altitudes

Well, you’re likely doing something wrong then, or maybe you’re misinterpreting the RWR. A Fox 3 can also still set off your alarm even if it’s been defeated by chaff if it’s looking in your general direction.

I personally have no big issues notching SARH, but Fox 3’s in particular are insanely susceptible to chaff. At lower speeds it almost feels like your flaring off R60’s, don’t even need to be in a notch.

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Well if the msl warning is blinking and the missile warning sound is beeping I am making the assumption the missile is still tracking me, is that not the case?

I might be wrong, but I don’t think that’s always the case no. However if it’s still warning you off a missile, I’d stick in the notch anyways just to be on the safe side. So I don’t think you’re wrong in making the assumption that it’s still tracking you

I know on some of the other RWR’s if the CW symbol dissapears from your RWR it means the missile lost track, but afaik that only applies to SARH missiles.

Yeah, SARH missiles guide through CW illumination, basically the airplane radar illuminates the target with CW, and the missile finds the CW illuminated target. Fox 3’s do not use CW however so you won’t be getting CW warnings from them.

So I’ll just stick to being over cautious then lol.

It helps to actually understand how notching works. The faster you are, the more precise your notch has to be, and with Fox 3’s, you want to notch the actual missile, not the enemies radar

After the missile is in TRK it not longer gets updates from the launching aircraft. But if the missile loses target it will revert back to IOG+DL, so there is some benefit to maintaining your own track until impact.

i’ll have to check again in tacview, but i thought they were going back to search mode without IOG

at least that’s what my experience of dogfighting with a mica tells me, as the missiles will usually go dumb (straight ahead) once its target goes outside its gimbal limits

I could be wrong, if we can’t establish what’s happening through tacview I can ask a Dev.

MICA EM is missing over-the-shoulder capability // // Issues

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Literally just put yourself in 90° and chaff. A single chaff is sometines the only only thing required to trabsfer the lock

That is pretty much the case. The IOG has malfunctions and doesn’t work properly.

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does this happen on all missiles or just the mica?

All missiles, so if the missile loses lock at medium or long ranges, it won’t properly use IOG.

That must be one of the reasons Fox 3’s are so easy to defeat.

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