Pre-order: AV-8B Night Attack

it will not be on sale until next year sady as it’s part of last update gajin doesn’t put the 3 most recent update prem vics on sale

Not 3, 2. So there’s hope.

The T-80UD, a GE premium, has been released in the update 2.35 (“Alpha Strike”); it is now on sale.

well its also a bad tank not gonna lie

It’s just an example :)

I have no idea what’s your progress in game is, I don’t know what vehicles you own, so I had to use one that is premium and not that interesting (otherwise you could have owned it). It seems I picked the right one to illustrate my point.

well it also depends on how well it sells



damn i thought that price was unusually high

Could we get NAVFLIR and other versions of it working in-game? Many aircraft are missing this and similar features.

Clone Thunder: another premium clone

Well it’s not really a clone it’s a worse(or better for cas)

It has worse missiles than the tech tree version
And lacks Radar

worse than that is having a very high BR. A slow aircraft that is put up against fighter jets with radar missiles. If you look at it in simulation mode, it faces fighters that already have fox 3…lol

Congratulations to those involved!

i think the plus is really good given it also has radar missiles

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