The F/A-18A still has the weaker engines then and they had no laser designator on the A.
The A never got the AN/AAS-38A which means the A2G can’t be any better than it is though
True. So I guess give A 7P and give C 9M so it can go 13.0?
Doesn’t the A not have mavericks or something? Shouldn’t it be able to carry those?
Either keep the A as it is at 12.7 and give the C 9Ms so it can go to 13.0 or further limit the A (AIM-9Hs instead of Ls) so it can go down to 12.3.
9H is just screwing it over. 7F would make more sense no?
It already has 7Fs on the dev server
I hope they get the aim9m on the F18 and that the F18 premium goes to 13.0 as this will help me a lot with the Su30sm stock grind
It would actually be pretty good at 12.3 with 9H and 7F
Damn really? In that case, should just be 12.3
The F-14A was pretty good with just AIM-9Hs at the pre decompression BR, so I don’t see why the F/A-18A would be screwed without AIM-9Ls at that BR
The F-14A had phoenix, speed, and players not used to the gameplay that came with it
F/A-18A has none of those (except players in a 12.0 downtier)
Just had to check again, it has both the 7F and 7M currently. However I still don’t know what the difference is supposed to be.
Maybe something guidance related? If they limited to 7F/9L could go to 12.3
I wasn’t even considering the Phoenix. The F-14A has a superb flight model (if you work with what you have, that is) and AIM-7Fs. It has always been a great fighter even without having to abuse the Phoenix for easy kills.
It shouldn’t need 9Ls to go down to 12.3. It would easily beat the Phantoms with AIM-7Fs/Ms and 9Hs.
Both missiles are literally same in the game.
IRL, 7Ms has different seeker
That’s what I thought, but I’ve heard from some people that there were differences ingame, even though I don’t think anyone had a source for that claim.
Edit: looking at the missile spreadsheet, there seem to be some very slight differences between the 7F and 7M depending on the aircraft that carries them, but those differences are even between say the 7F on a Phantom and the 7F on the F-20/F-14 or the 7M on a F-16 and the 7M on a F-15
Wow 295
AIM-9M is correct for the US. The AIM-9P Series is the export variant. Unlike its predecessors in the 9P series, the AIM-9P-5 featured all-aspect targeting capabilities and IRCCM as well as a simplified seeker head.
Would be correct for the Finnish Hornet, which is an early F-18C too.
I agree, except on the going down to 12.3.
I think the F-18A would be better balanced at 12.7 with AIM-9H. Currently, it is too good of a package for 12.7 IMHO. Very good acceleration, 8 to 10 decent missiles, TWS capable and good dogfighter.
The F-14A is 12.7 with worse radar and arguably worse FM, both would share a similar missile loadout with AIM-9H and AIM-7F/M but the F-14A has the option to carry mediocre FOX3’s for a different playstyle.
The better option would be to increase the BR ceiling and decompress everything of course.