No new tech tree this year or maybe even next year. Gaijin needs to fill tech trees with Leopards 2 first.
thats sad :(
+1 - same reason
comenting something for engagement
Poland has just signed a contract for 80 new Rosomaks-L with an unmanned ZSSW-30 turret. The new Rosomaks will receive a new Scania engine with up to 612 horsepower. They are 40 cm longer than their predecessors. They have larger fuel tanks and the option of installing external front plate armor so that the vehicle meets the requirements of STANAG level 4 protection. The first Rosomaks of this type will roll off the assembly line in 2027.
Fully support that it would be a nice addition to the game with actually multiple new vehicles ^^
Obviously a +1 from me for a Polish + Czechoslovak tech tree.
There are some mistakes however:
The mistakes:
This is the wrong picture if we follow the given description, what’s shown here is a
The Pandur II FSV with the OTO-Melara Hitfact is something else:
I would also like to suggest a couple polish vehicles which could be event or tech tree vehicles:
Thanks! I will make the changes as soon as I can
14TP? unless you found smth that confirms it, 10TP was the last Polish design of WW2
So I decided that it would be worth making such a summary of 2024 in our suggestion I will include contracts only from 2024 interesting messages and some things for the future.
Where to start here… maybe let’s start with IFV
Poland finally did not sign a contract for the Borsuk IFV in 2024 but they are supposed to do it at the beginning of 2025 the reason for the delay is supposed to be costs but also negotiations with HSW. HSW has currently produced 6 machines and is on track to produce up to 18 copies for its own money. (it is worth mentioning here that in one of the photos from the steel mill you can see the shell of the Badger with the number 15 which probably means the 15th copy of the vehicle) Poland plans to buy as many as 1400 copies of this vehicle to replace the BWP-1s no longer suitable for service and fill the gaps. By the way, we can also mention a possible variant of the Badger with a 120mm Morater, which is also in the suggestion as a prototype. At the end of the year, new 80 Rosomaks L were also purchased. From the Czech Republic and Slovakia, we of course have expectations for their CV90 vehicles in impressive configurations, which are to start reaching them next year. It is also worth mentioning the BOV 8x8 Patria vehicles that are already arriving for them.
From the ifv, we are moving on to what we are all waiting for the most, i.e. new tanks for our troops. Maybe we should start with the worse news and then move on to the better ones. The purchase of Leopard 2A8s for the Czech Republic may unfortunately be delayed due to a lower budget than was expected this year, although talks on this matter are still ongoing. As for Poland and the purchases of K2GF and K2PL, the next framework agreement for another 180 units is delayed, the reason for the delays are the changes in the contracts proposed by the Polish side (here we are talking about accelerating the implementation of the PL version) and their price, as for the wonderful K2PL, we still do not know exactly what it is supposed to look like, although from my information it appears that Poland wants to fit the tank within the ±60 tons limit, therefore the concept of an extended version with 7 road wheels is out. (although we will see how it will work out in the end with production in the country, besides, I also do not understand this provision for the tank to have 60 tons, since the ordered Abrams weigh much more) as for K2GF, Poland has so far collected 84 machines of this type by the end of 2024, apart from that, the most important thing is the fact that both parties want to fulfill the previously signed contracts and sign more for these tanks, the final number of which is to be 1000 units. Staying in 2024 for a while, Poland received the rest of its renovated M1A1FEP from the US Marines in the amount of 116 pieces with the new year and maybe even in the coming weeks the first Abrams in SEPV3 versions are to arrive in Poland. It should also be noted here that in the future Poland wants to modernize the older version to the SEPV3 standard and purchase Trophy systems for all tanks from the Abrams family. After tanks, it is time for artillery systems. At the end of the year, Poland purchased more Krabs for over 17 billion and what is important is that the contract is to consist of two stages 1 normal and 2 already modernized, the new Krab is to receive an automatic loader and a remotely controlled 12.7 machinegun rifle and a new smoke grenade system. This 2nd batch is to be delivered only from 2028.
In the meantime, the largest contract this year turned out to be Apache 64 combat helicopters in the E version for over USD 10 billion, which will start reaching Poland from 2028. On the occasion of this purchase, we can mention Boeing and its F-15EX, which can probably be purchased this year, although this is my personal prediction after talking to PGZ at MSPO. If we are talking about aircraft, we must mention the F-35 Lightning II purchased by the Czechs and Poland, although Poland will receive them faster because the first copy is already ready. In 2025, Poland will also receive the first FA-50PL, but I will not provide information about it here because there is really no place to look for detailed information about it so far. In 2024, Polish F-16s have reached their mid-life, which is why Poland intends to sign a contract for modernization to the V standard, for which the US department has given its consent. and finally, Poland also decided to purchase MQ-9B drones in 2024. In the end, Poland spent 99.1% of the funds from the planned budget of 4.1% of GDP on defense in 2024. In 2025 it is to be as much as 4.7%, which will only confirm Poland as the 1st country in NATO that spends such a large percentage of its GDP on the military.
So let’s hope for an even more interesting year 2025, although wasn’t that one already?
If I missed something important, you can always add it, it would be great :)
Czech’s might not get their F-35’s and will not be getting their 2A8’s they will be looking into further modernising the T-72 M4CZ
at the time I was writing this they were still hesitating over it, if it’s true that they are to modernize the M4CZ it’s strange that it would be in their interest as a NATO member to continue using the T-72, I mean different ammunition etc.
This easily over the V4. +1
Why may I ask?
AFAIK the F-35 procurement is continuing without any major problems.
Leopard 2A8 should still be procured, but the Czech Chief of the General Staff expressed doubts about the feasibility of the project with the current funds.
But recently Czech president proposed that we will increase the budget of AČR from 2% to 3% of the national budget.
Unlikely T-72M4CZ is going to the reserves.
If we upgrade anything it would be the 42 Leopard 2A4s but that will take time.
Recent disagreements. Also I don’t think they’ve fought a battle together since ww2? I know there’s historical comradery but that could apply to other European nations too, though. The V4 tree would be pretty packed already and wouldn’t Romania be a better option? That is if they don’t add it to Italy too.
The Visegrad Group history dates back all the way to the medieval Congress of Visegrád between John I of Bohemia, Charles I of Hungary, and Casimir III of Poland in 1335. (Romania is not mentioned here funnily enough). These nations have not seen war together but have formed the Visegrad Battle Group Visegrád Battlegroup - Wikipedia ,Romania wouldn’t be a better option as Hungary already fills out the gaps that it has anyways, and like Hungary, all minor axis nations are going to be put in there until the Devs change their mind.
The first abrams sepv3 tanks in number of 28 units have just arrived in poland! what’s even more interesting, these models have a new serial number 157050MP, which MAYBE indicates that these abrams tanks are equipped with NGAP/NEA?! the same as those produced for the US army.
We have modified so many vehicles that it would not just be a copy paste (like leopard 2PL we already have)
Adding a new Polish/other small nation TT would be a gold digging thing for Gaijin since I would definetly throw money at my monitor hehe
But now back to the point… adding to it is that we have also a lot of own projects in the SPAA/AA and vehicle industry that we should get a good TT wit just a slight mix of other nations tanks from ww2 till the modern era ;)
Airplanes that is where we would have a problem in the modern times but even that we would have it like Germany with our own mods of them… helicopters? well all nations have copy paste of USA when it comes to it tbh
we also have prototypes which in game have their place (russian/usa and other tt have them and they are fine with just some tweaking)
I would rather have 2 new nations then adding more modern stuff and then adding new stuff because i till just ruin the balance again and not add something cool to the mix we already have
Found in a Discord server
The “Polon” may not have reached the prototype stage, the document does not specify
There may be important details or otherwise that I missed while skimming through the doc, so feel free to take a look
(The link can be pasted into a browser to load)
Thank you so much 🙏