Please rework the ammunition for the 90mm M3 cannon

But is-1 is 5.7 now. Madness is just some uparmored T-34 still dying from anyone with aim skill better than zero on it’s BR

I don’t know what IS-1 has to do when topic is about US 90mm, but sure.
Also IS-1 will be fine at 5.7. It’s not greatest heavy tank is more like a heavy medium with really good reverse speed. Now it is again a choice do you pick IS-1 for extra armor or T-34-85 for extra mobility.

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Don’t engage with him. Now he’s gonna reply to you and the whole thread’s gonna go offtopic. Just flag his comment and ignore.


Just on theme of new-new br changes.

Adding the supercharged M82 is a big change but I don’t understand why we can’t just get both rounds, same as the other trees.


Thx for info. Used to be easier on old forum, when everyone had own avatars and didn’t have to remember all names.


Yeah would be nice for current M82 to be one of stock rounds or if they want tier I round and new supercharge tier III/IV round.

Do you know how much TNT need to enable ovrrpressure for ammo? Early have more filler and it might be enough.

170 grams of TNTe is where Gaijin activates overpressure for APHE rounds.

How much filler early have? Around 200g of ammonium?

Documents show 199 grams of explosive D which gives it 195.02 grams of TNTe.

Good, almost guaranteed oneshots if penetrated. Do you know title of the document or the document itself?

I don’t, should not be hard to find though.


I’ve already made a bug report to add the large filler variant but I doubt Gaijin adds it.


Honestly like just give it M77 AP stock so they can buff the T33. I would take that if it means working T33.


They won’t buff individual rounds.

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150 kg/mm2 = roughly 450 BHN, not soft at all

Sometimes they do.

That’s what I meant

But what about the US 120mm AP then? It underperforms too. And what about the French 100mm guns? All pointy AP shells in the game underperform against sloped armour. If any change is made it needs to be global.