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Something I’ve never really wrapped my head around is what the purpose would be between knowing that IAS and TAS are different.

I THINK I know what they are: TAS is simply your speed, in the basic way anyone would think about it; and IAS is how the speed your machine is “feeling” like with different factors taken in to account like air pressure/altitude, ambient temperature/humidity (which is just an extension of air pressure anyway). Is this right?

And if so, what is knowing your IAS good for?

Thanks in advance.

IAS is the main speed measure used by pilots - at least in civilian a/c - it is a better indication of stall speed for example - and therefore how far off it you are.

See Indicated airspeed - Wikipedia

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So would it be correct to assume it’s the better judge of your machine’s performance at a given altitude?

Look around hte net - there are plenty of informative sites that can give you more information than me - I only hired pilots, I’m not one myself!