Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

And why is the F-16A/ADF at BR 13.0? It barely uses anything.

Then no MiG-21bis going down…

R-73 at 11.7? What the hell man?

None of the Strike Tornados have 4 Aim 9Ls. They all have 2 x 9Ls and bombs. The only difference was some had laser guided bombs. So they were put at a higher BR for Ground RB. But we have separate BRs for that now.

add the aim 9L to the F4J(UK)

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APFSDS round that can reliably penetrate this tank (as well as 400mm+ pen HEAT-FS rounds) are found all the way at 8.0-8.7 and terrorize this tank instead. Its fine where it’s at, and should only go up if it’s overpreforming in its new state.

RB, 2S38 10.0 > 10.7. It has autocannon with 200mm+ of Penetration, so it can penetrate early Cold War MBTs like Leo 1 or AMX30 from the front, and they can not even respond because it is autocannon. It is just like a little worse HSTVL (11.3) or better OTOMATIC (11.3). It is also the best SPAA at this BR.


Ground RB, SIDAM 25 8.3 > 7.7

Currently this vehicle is much worse than other 8.3 Anti-Aircraft vehicles in many ways. The M113 chassis is quite limiting and it lacks any AP rounds in the main belt leaving it very vulnerable to any enemy ground vehicles. There is also no search radar and it does not generate a firing solution for aircraft beyond 2km. The shells also self destruct at a relatively close range making helicopters impossible to counter in many cases. It is much closer to the M163 than 8.3 AAs like the Gepard or PGZ09.


If anything the Gr1 is the weakest of all 6 IDSs at the moment as it has the worst engines. Though this is mitigated by getting slightly better bombs. But yeah, its insane that they think GBUs justify the increased BR

Maybe the Piranha missiles, which are pretty good currently?

Increasing tank BR’s to 12.0 is a great change.

Proposal: Change J35D from 10.3 in RB to 10.0. Its really not better than F8U. Without flares it struggles a lot. Its also not that fast, and if you want to bring 4 missiles you cannot take the external fuel tank, which means you will not be fighting for long.

Change the Shenyang F-5 to 9.0 in Air RB. Its really just a Lim-5 with a 37mm and 2 aim-9b’s. Doesnt deserve to fight against all aspect missiles.

Yes because 10.7 IS 10.7

In my opinion, if Fox is at BR 7.7, then R3 T106 FA should also be at BR 7.7

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Question @Stona_WT, regarding the changes to the reload rate of the Ariete series and Merkava Mk4 is the now 5 second reload the base reload or the aced reload speed? The doc is a bit ambiguous. Thanks!

RB, OTOMATIC 11.3 > 10.7 (maybe 11.0). Every 10.0+ Helli is just out of its reach just as every 11.3 aircraft is. And against Ground Targets it is like HSTVL just with no HS (High Survivability). It is also not so mobile. It is kind of unplayable rn :(


AIR RB F4J(UK) Phantom II 12.0 > 11.7 reason: its radar guided missiles have a terrible range and gets out performed by most radar guided missiels at its br and even though it has 4 18g ir missiles they struggle in up tiers

Almost certain to be ACED fire rate like every other tank with 5 second reload

APHE autoloaders are a bit OP don’t you think?

Move the Venom from 8.7 to at least 8.3 or even 8.0. Compare it to MiG 15/bis and F86A-5 its really not a better plane. Hispanos dont really work and the acceleration is poor.
It used to be a very competitive plane at higher altitudes but now with missiles in the game it cannot take advantage of that performance. I think the reason for the Venom not being at a lower BR already is the fact that no one is playing it, giving gaijin no data.

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