Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

Ariete PSO 11.3 → 11.7
It’s a heavier version of Ariete which is worse in mobility. Remain it at 11.3


We need battle rating adjustments in air sim! You always ignore this mode but planes like a10c should not be same br as planes like the j35xs!


all: xm800T. 8.0 (propsed) > 9.0, it is ruining the game so it should be put somewhere it doesn’t outperform everything existing. I’m tired of having swarm of them destroying everything and being complete nuisance, especially since they are used to rush spawns massively.


Simulator, AV-8B Plus. 13.0 > 13.3
Reasoning: AIM120 should not be facing 12.0-12.7 planes. It might not be the fastest plane, but it’s neigh untouchable with the assortment of FOX3 missiles.
Further BR decompression would help, but until then, this plane has to go to 13.3.


T-80BVM is fine at 12.0, it is worse than 2A7V in essentially every way besides a bit of forward mobility.


The magical trash bags on the side stop m829a2, you dont see the seps ERA doing that.


How? It’s worse in every way possible


Simulator, F-4E Phantom II. 11.0 > 11.3.
Reasoning: It has alot of FOX1 and FOX2 missiles as well as huge ground pounding load. Comparing it to the German F-4F which lacks radar missiles and half the available CAS ordnance, it would be very unfair for these 2 planes remain at the same BR.


Then shoot under them lol, you’ll hit the ammo directly.

av-8b na (GRB) 11.3 → 12.0 Blatant cash grab and pay to win.

gr7 had 11.7 with 65d and 9l. 12.0 because all other top harriers have this br only for their anti-ground capabilities (4x65G + pod combo) and their anti-air weapons don’t affect it.


Realistic battles PUMA VJTF 11.0 > 10.7.
That thing is not competitive against 12.0 and 11.7 MBT’s. SPIKEs are still a joke despite recent buffs and its slow-firing 30mm doesn’t make up for it. Also it’s composite armor is still modeled wrong.


That’s right, whatever they are doing to the Fox’s APDS should effect the Warrior too.

Otherwise they made the right call to keep the Fox at 7.7, its perfect.


GRB, Falcon 8.3 > 7.7. There are three British SPAAs at 8.3 and the Falcon is the only one without Radar. At 7.7 we have the ZSU-37-2 and the VEAK that both have Radar. There isn’t much of a line up for it at 8.0 but the 7.7 British line up is robust except it lacks an SPAA. Moving the Falcon down would fill that niche and help alleviate the drought of British SPAAs between 5.3 and 8.3


AMX-50 (TO90/930) → HEAT-FS (M431 shell)
historically the Bat 25T and the AMX 50/90 can load all the ammunition of the Patton M47, this would transform them into a Swiss Army knife, a fast tank that can handle a lot of tanks in its BR without excelling and without stabilizer.


Leopard 2a7 12.0 <12.3


Please greatly reduce the cost for Experting a vehicle which has already been Experted on at least one crew - after so many BR changes I have a lot of broken line-ups that cost SL to fix.


EBR 1954 → PCOT-51P
Despite increases in BR, it was not given its best ammunition to remain competitive it needs its best shells available


RB and AB, Pantsir S1
11.7 > 12.0
It is painfully obvious that the pantsir is leagues ahead compared to any other AA currently in the game, wether we choose to talk about range, accuracy, ease of use or ammo count. It is almost criminal that vehicles like the FlaRakRad (with its radar that can be found at 10.3) is at the same br as this thing. Tor-M1, ADATS, ITO 90M and OTOMATIC are all worse aswell, but for different reasons.


T80 BVM 12.0 < 12.3 Ground Realistic Battles of course


Nice to see decompression around the 9.3 area, but in my opinion 8.0 needs it too. Just compare T-54 (1949) with Type 69 or ZTZ59 for example at the same BR (the former missing a stab, lrf and compared to the type 69 also a slow turret while otherwise almost the same chassis). Also there is the much superior TO-55 at the same BR.

Other example:

Magach 3 and 5 with the latter having APFSDS and ERA over it

8.0 area is just extremely compressed.

Edit: Also new 12.0 is also still compressed with for example Leo 2A7 and Leo 2A5 still at the same BR.

So a BR cap raise to at least 12.7 is needed for ground battles.


Are BR changes for Simulator battles planned as well? Would love to see the Su25SM3 get lowered a bit, i dont see any reason why it should be 12.3 in air sim while so many other planes at 11.3-11.7 are faster and pretty good with ground strike capability.