PL8B no booster upgrade

With the latest dev server, the PL8B finally got its IRCCM seeker, however the kinematics and everything remain exactly the same as the original. According to this research paper, a missile booster that’s rather suspiciously identical to the Python 3/ PL-8 was said to have been upgraded to provide 36.4% more thrust, as well as detailing the exact booster and sustainer config, can we expect to see this in game or will it be another one of “you didn’t commit espionage so you can’t prove that this missile got the upgrade”?


yeah i really want the extra booster like pl5bs are already super comedic how fst they accelerate so i want more. Shouldnt the pl8b also have gatewith+seeker shutoff irccm even tho that would make it proapbly too strong.

Its dual band seeker and yes have this combined irccm

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Oh its a fancy seeker tbh even if it wasnt dual band id be basicallu impossible to defeat ty90s are leeethal

gaijin once sayed

Based on the performance of the PL-8B in the test server this week, I believe Gaijin has not accurately recognized its excessively weak strength. It should be buffed.


Now the seeker data of the PL8B is still copied from the R73. Why does gaijin think that the quaternary two-color seeker has the same performance as the backward two-element seeker of the R73?


Because all Gatewidth IRCCM seekers are identical in-game for “‘game limitations’” is the current dev excuse.

All are currently about twice as “wide” as they should be.

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Without altering the missile’s flight performance, even if you were to equip it with the TY-90’s seeker, it still wouldn’t be comparable to any of the TT Fox 2 missiles.

Pl8b need be more op!

If I could give the PL8B the same seeker as the TY90, then I would be quite satisfied, which would be better than any FOX2.

Here is a typical simulation of a close-range, off-boresight tail chase with altitude difference, conducted using the Statshark simulator.

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It also depends on the usage scenario. The TY-90 boasts an exceptionally long engine burn time, whereas the PL-8B does not.

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At least the PL-8B is more flexible than the PL-5EII in close combat, and I think gaijin should make them two missiles with different positions.

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You are right

They dont think that they have the same performance, they are the same for the sake of balance, the magic 2 are also a 4 element seeker and still have the same performance as a 2 elements, so it isnt an issue exclusive to the china


it would be arbitrarily strong for no reason, most A2A irccm are wrongly modelled and underperfoming in one way or another.

I’m fully in agreement with you.