Pl-12s acting oddly

This is normal, and if there is no balance in the game, there will only be the P5 countries. And I don’t agree with the idea that PL12 is very weak. I’m just going to say that there are problems with the flight design of the PL12.

30km+ are not ranges were you should be using pl12. Amraams barely work at those ranges when you shoot them frim the stratosphere. Pl12 have goo range and maneuverability.

PL-12 is underperforming though. It along with AAM-4 should be AIM-120C counterparts in real life.

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Which AIM-120C ? (C1 C5 C8?)
And anyway,… AIM-120C are not in game,…

But MICA-EM should get it’s range to 80km,… why is it the only missiles to get trucated of 37.5% of it’s IRL Range?

I’ve noticed odd jerking with other missiles recently as well aim7m and other medium to long range missiles

And yes, I agree that MICA should get its actual range.
A lot of Fox 3s that aren’t AIM-120 have shorter range than real life.

AMRAAMs work easily at 30km, sure it is more or less a luck based thing, but it gives u that option. Yet PL12 is supposed to be much better than already existing AMRAAM, my main fear is that China gets a massive gap in capability when AMRAAM Cs come in, when PL12 the perfect counter part can’t get the IRL stats so that the already existing carriers don’t go up in BR, but Chinese jets left in an awkward spot. After all it was only a month ago when we confirmed the existence of PL12A.

Some say between B and C, the only specific thing I’ve heard is C-4 competitor.

It’s funny when we knew about PL-15 way earlier than PL-12A, lol.
So PLAAF did field a longer-ranged variant of PL-12.

Maybe they just dont like to give a new name for small or even big varients
I found it when I compared my photo of Z-10 which I shot at Changchun 2023 and the Z-10 model in game

It is still Z10, but different, I am pretty sure there are more upgrades to vehicles like J11A, Z10 (before ME), but all we can call it is ‘Z10 upgrade’. Can they take 2 seconds to actually name some stuff, it’s so annoying,

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They changed a ton of things with the domestic Z-10 over the years. Recently the exhaust is now tilted upwards to reduce IR signature.
Unfortunately there is very scarce information of what exactly has changed that we can’t see.

My frustration is in that they don’t change or give official designations. we know as a fact J11 had a MLU sort of programme for upgrade in around 2011, where they received a MAWS, but there is no change in designation.

The J-16 is also the same.
The switch to the grey radome and WS-10D engines replacing the WS-10A in later batch.