Type of vehicle: Air, ground, or naval (in that order, can play any BR)
Preferred Nation: Germany
Preferred Server: NA
Age: 23
Preferred Language: English
Preferred Controller: M+K
Timezone: EST
Preferred Communications: Discord
I’m a longtime war thunder player and have always played solo, none of my real life friends like war thunder. Figured I’d finally try to find a group online to play with
Type of squadron you’re looking for (Competitive, casual)
Modes you play (AB/RB)
Type of vehicles you like playing the most (Air/Ground/)
Preferred nations (USA, Germany, china)
Preferred game servers (CIS EU )
Your age (will be 18 in few months)
Preferred language (Turkish English)
Preferred controller type (Mouse + Keyboard)
Timezone / available playing times gtm+3
Preferred communication platform (any platform that is not banned in turkey is chill for me)
I need an active squadron that I can grind for squadron vehicles