Panzerhaubitze 2000

Oh I was referring to attempting to shot at planes that decide to land

Ah, well in this case best to take an buddy with you who plays an light tank with drone

If you are into data mining you can lookup to coordinates of objects like airfields, AAA, or spawns from the mission cfgs:


War-Thunder-Datamine/mis.vromfs.bin_u/gamedata/missions/cta/tanks at master · gszabi99/War-Thunder-Datamine · GitHub

You current global pos can be read from the localhost API, so all you have to do, is subtract the pos from each other to get the direction and distance you have to shoot to hit it.
(getting your current altitude is a bit more tricky as the API doesn’t provide it).

If you want to actually hunt aircraft, the spawn location when they repair might be useful, but youll likely need a teammate with a drone to know when and where to shoot exactly.

I still have to test this in practice a bit more, this is mostly just theory crafting.
The key problem is short service times of aircraft, and long shell travel times. A 20km shot will minimum need >40s shell travel time, and most repairs are just about that long, maybe up to 60s… but it isnt much time to spot, aim and engage the target.
A more interesting and reliable strat might be to target and destroy the AAA, so you allied aircraft can attack the airfield without worries (again just a theory, I need to test how easy it is to so so).

Ill report in the coming weeks.

Unlocked Pzh 2000 today, my first test shows pretty disappointing results.
From attempt at pos (x: 2444 y: 1273) I shot at an airfield at (x: 8054 y: 13292)… However the shells self destructed at a distance of around 12500 meters - just short of the airfield.
The config of the shell 155mm PF however has a “maxDistance”: 25000, travel time seems to be >40 seconds.
Any suggestions why it de-spawns this early? Max life time reached or something? I’ll probably have to wait for them to fix this first… yikes.

They still didn’t fix the broken shell selection? still no L15, DM111, DM121 or DM131… yikes.

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did you used also the Impact fuze?

Ive tested both, standard 107 and 107 PF.
Both self destroyed at 12.500 meters. The standard one just de-spawns, the impact mode PF shell self destructs with an explosion.

Shell travel time is also a bit longer than expected, seems their drag is too high?

Dont think airfields can be killed in GFRB?

killing the runway with just artillery might be impossible, but you should be able to at least destroy the aircraft hangars, AAA, ammo storage, etc to ensure the aircraft bots cant use it to repair and resupply.
Forcing aircraft back by some 60km from the front line should be worth it.

No runway should be allowed to exist this close to the front-line.

No i mean i dont think GFRB airfields have health. Do they?

it has AA you can destroy

Reported the issue with shells despawning before hitting their target


It’s a game engine limitation, give them some slack. They’ll expand the capability of the engine alongside introducing bigger GRB maps

Its not an engine limitation. Its likely a safety mechanism that ensures that projectiles will not live forever and eat performance, specifically for autocannons.
They simply forget to properly configure it on the Pzh / large caliber guns in GRB.

They often forget details like this.
They also broke the 155mm’s ability to break trees and object past 100 meters somehow…

That reminds me, they still need to fix the network update rate when using the commander sight (its the cause of the rubber banding when shooting with it).

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That’s what I meant by “engine limitation”

engine limitations are constraints created by the scripting engine, or the graphic pipeline - requiring changes to the fundamental way the game engine functions to be implemented - not because the devs forget to set one value correctly.

Here another such issue, this might be closer to an engine limitation or just a poor implementation of the fuze mode: PF rounds do no damage to objects
My guess is the fuze mode changes the “damage” (or similar) definition of the shell, and they forgot to define the “damage” in impact mode, resulting in it not affecting the environment…

So for now, always bring default M107s to destroy trees or fences past 300 meters.

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