Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Agreed to that :D

I can just imagine taking my friend for a stroll, where he would fight for controls with me, or start wasting all out AAms on the sun. I just see it.

I was thinking also things like server desync between players causing issues or the pilot the scaring the hell out of the navigator with canyon racing :P

Well, the F16 entered the canyon, we will fly next to the canyon and catch it when it flies out. Pilot: i dont think so. Yea, desync would kill this. But hey, imagine that in tanks. It would be hell descent

Or a bomber with players manning each gun :P B-17 with what 7-8 players all shouting on comms :P

That would mean a single bomber that you approach might be a clown car or a bunker filled with snipers. Hell nah.

I’d play a gamemode that was 3 bombers each with 6+ players vs an entire team of players in fighters :P

Me and the boys in British bomber, throwing 7.7 baloons, knowing we will not survie this.

Yeah… would have to be US or German bombers

Tu-4 in the corner

Or that

Some Pics of the RAF F.3 and GR.1B
What is the long thing under the Gr1B? Is that the runway clusterbomb System?


Yeah it’s a JP233

Cursed tornado is not real it can’t hurt you… cursed Tornado:

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and what is cursed on it?

look at it😭

I’d be careful calling it a clusterbomb; it’s technically a “dispenser” (it stays attached to the aircraft and drops munitions out inflight) which is an important distinction for “Warcrime” reasons.

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War crimes in warthunder when

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Isn’t napalm use a warcrime?

Yes, technically