It seems EF2000 might be a better CAS platform than Tonka,
but IMO, Tonka is more attractive. Thanks for the video.
I wish there will be more updated Tornado variants, but not too many!
Great, you’ve just jinxed 2025.
Get ready for:
Tornado F2
Tornado F3 CSP (Devils favourite aircraft :P )
Tornado F3 FSP
Tornado F3 Granby
Tornado F4 / F3 WSU
Tornado EF3
Tornado Gr1 (early)
Tornado Gr1B
Tornado Gr1 (Saudi Arabia)
Tornado F3 (Saudi Arabia)
can’t wait to see Tornado F.3 Super-Late
Thats either the Torando F3 FSP (ASRAAM + Aim-120C5s) or the Tornado F4 with EJ200 engines and a load of other upgrades like HMD (was a paper proposal)
Lovely. XD
That was the full proposal for it. Basically, it was “how can we get a few more years out of these airframes”
You guys should’ve done it
Really wasnt any point when you consider the Typhoon was already in service. But would be a hilarious aircraft to get in game, if the restriction on paper-variants of aircraft ever changes
By the way any news on the flight model?
iirc the sustained turn is still underperforming by quite a bit and the current FM feels even worse than before
I think its instant is underperforming and its sustained is overperforming. Its also got too much drag, so cant hit its top speed anymore.
But last word was essentially “not being worked on anymore and its as good as we can get with current game limitaitons”
No idea if it will get worked on ever again even if those game limitaitons are removed. Best we can hope for I think is combat thrust modeling and them overtuning that slightly to mitigate the drag issues