Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

It seems EF2000 might be a better CAS platform than Tonka,
but IMO, Tonka is more attractive. Thanks for the video.

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I wish there will be more updated Tornado variants, but not too many!

Great, you’ve just jinxed 2025.

Get ready for:

Tornado F2
Tornado F3 CSP (Devils favourite aircraft :P )
Tornado F3 FSP
Tornado F3 Granby
Tornado F4 / F3 WSU
Tornado EF3
Tornado Gr1 (early)
Tornado Gr1B
Tornado Gr1 (Saudi Arabia)
Tornado F3 (Saudi Arabia)



can’t wait to see Tornado F.3 Super-Late

Thats either the Torando F3 FSP (ASRAAM + Aim-120C5s) or the Tornado F4 with EJ200 engines and a load of other upgrades like HMD (was a paper proposal)

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Lovely. XD



That was the full proposal for it. Basically, it was “how can we get a few more years out of these airframes”


You guys should’ve done it

Really wasnt any point when you consider the Typhoon was already in service. But would be a hilarious aircraft to get in game, if the restriction on paper-variants of aircraft ever changes
