In addition, two identical camera pods were also attached to this hanging point on the wing tip of the 1980s tornado f2 skyflash test and 2010s tornado f3 meteor test to prove the hanging point on the wing tip of gale f2/f3
In Figure 3, the left wing tip of the two tornado F3 aircraft is equipped with two camera pods, while the right wing tip of the aircraft is equipped with two Boz pods.
Outboard you have Phimat at the top and TRD at the bottom, the TRD uses the housing of a BOZ-107 but it is a “Towed Radar Decoy” / ECM pod, and has non of the chaff and flare from the original BOZ-107.
F.3 lacks the BOZ-107 control panel to even communicate with the pod, could it be retro fit? Probably, was it? No.
reminds me of the video of the old red neck trying to get a snake to bite him but wont because of the moonshine. who needs to add ecm when you can act like a second sun for all radar missiles on the map.
I don’t understand what they did to this airplane. It now flies worse than the F-111, instantly reaching critical angles of attack at any speed and losing all its speed. And then it can’t regain it—feels like its engines are just dumping kerosene somewhere. How could the Europeans adopt such a plane into service, and as an interceptor, no less? It’s inferior to the Phantom in every way, literally.
Eh… great might be a bit of a stretch, it always had issues in some form or another, but it certainly has handicaps in game it didnt have IRL and the FM is technically unfinished.
It was ultimately an interceptor built from a low level interdictor, it was always going to have flaws
It is lacking top speed and ITR in game due to game limitations. but you also have things like the F3 should probably have AIm-9Ms and the F3 Late should have ASRAAM. Also the poor state of the BOL and lack of Phimat does affect your defensive play.
Also 60m MP really hurts it as a SARH truck
But, you shouldnt really be trying to turn fight in them.
Maybe I got a defective Tornado, but I can hardly make a simple turn without it going into high angles of attack. Forget about active maneuvering or dodging missiles—it just instantly runs out of speed. And what the hell is it doing at 12.3?
In that case, its all about the routing you take, but I usually found with 600 flares and 600 large chaff, I just punched straight through to a base without worrying about missiles with the MAWS handling most of the CM deployment. But make use of the RWR to predict when or where something is going to firing a ARH at you.
Just tap on the combat flaps to turn, you shouldnt drop much below mach 0.9 and with the massive supply of large chaff, notching is fairly easy .
Ah, figured RB, but in SB, its all about terrain masking and not taking the direct route. The Mig-29s have a pretty poor radar and can often be avoided with that, when you get long ranged RWR pings, just drop a few chaff, works quite well to mess with their radars I think.
Only annoying thing to deal with is the ICE in the 13.0 brackets, but large pool of large chaff helps with that quite a lot.
But in SB, its all about avoding the enemy team, and not fighting them, harder at 12.7 than it is at 11.7 obviously, but way easier these days than it was with GR1 with 56 CMs and a flight model of an overladen 747s vs Mig-29s and F-16s.
But the biggest buff for the GR4 would be a 11.3-12.3 bracket which is currenly missing, screws the Gr7 as well and the F3 would also beenfit from the minor uptier bracket. Now its gotten BOL, no chance of a 12.0 BR for it
Because gaijin balances the uk tech tree based on how superior the British mains are, if the tornado had even a fraction of its full irl capabilities it would be broken.
Imagine how broken the fully complete flight model would be, you’d actually beat a mig 23 in a dogfight and that’s just not possible. And a 5% increase in burner thrust would be too much on top of that.
So take solace in knowing the tornado is being on purple kept from its full potential because British players are just better
Tornado GR.1 on 11.7 with the weakest engine among all Tornados,
F-4J(UK) without ‘VTAS HMS and AIM-7F’ but on the same BR with regular F-4J/S also supports your comment.