Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

That would mean a single bomber that you approach might be a clown car or a bunker filled with snipers. Hell nah.

I’d play a gamemode that was 3 bombers each with 6+ players vs an entire team of players in fighters :P

Me and the boys in British bomber, throwing 7.7 baloons, knowing we will not survie this.

Yeah… would have to be US or German bombers

Tu-4 in the corner

Or that

Some Pics of the RAF F.3 and GR.1B
What is the long thing under the Gr1B? Is that the runway clusterbomb System?


Yeah it’s a JP233

Cursed tornado is not real it can’t hurt you… cursed Tornado:

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and what is cursed on it?

look at it😭

I’d be careful calling it a clusterbomb; it’s technically a “dispenser” (it stays attached to the aircraft and drops munitions out inflight) which is an important distinction for “Warcrime” reasons.

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War crimes in warthunder when

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Isn’t napalm use a warcrime?

Yes, technically

they were put out of service because those dispensers were considered war crimes as well since they function as cluster bombs basicaly

Not too mention the dubious-ness of scattering hundreds of landmines at the same time

theoreticaly the landmines are designed to self destruct, but guess that still was to unsafe

Nothing is certain and no guarantee its going to be military personel being sent onto an AF to repair it after a JP233 is used

never realy thought about it, but specialy in cases like AF, you have to send personal to manualy disarm the mines cant just send a Keiler over it to destroy them. Since that as a result would destroy the whole runway to take of as well