Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

To my knowledge I don’t think the IDS/GRs carried the 9M, only the 9Li and ASRAAM/IRIS-T but if you’ve got proof otherwise I’ll forward it on.

well that is the point, they never carried the 9L either, they are just a placeholder, shouldnt be to far fetched to replace that placeholder with the 9M for now

British Tornadoes certainly did. Surely German ones did too?

Did they ever carry the “stock” 9Ls though? When did they get their bodge job to de-chirp (I think thats the right term) them?

But could be a ahistorical addition to give the IDS a little more firepower till 9L/I comes, if it ever does

i have no idea, i just followed what gunjob just said, i am not to knowlesgeable with aviation stuff


1988 was the earliest that started being investigated.

Ah, thank you. I do hope we see that mod at some point. Looks like it could be quite fun to use.

An interesting point I want to raise is that Soviet RWRs (and a lot of other nation’s RWRs - even some American ones) have been absolutely nerfed into the ground on the Dev server.

By comparison pretty much all changes to British RWRs have been fairly significant buffs. That could make BVR in the Tornado F.3 and Phantom FGR.2 much nicer.


Based British RWRs. We might not be able to hit the stuff trying to kill us but damn if we know death is coming haha


Seems like the ARI 23284 doesnt tell you if its a Aircraft, a AAA or a SAM and if a CW missile is launched anymore

i think that got acknowledged as a bug

Ok, I was worried for a second. Because it would be pretty weird if the F-4F Peace Rhein for example had a better RWR than the Tornado

just rechecked, the bugs i saw were for the ARI 18223

Arent the ARI 23284 and ARI 18223 identical ingame right now?

Textured BOL rails on the F.3;

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well thats nice

Still the wrong type of BOL raid unfortunately. It’s good that they look nicer though.

I mean that’s all I need
Bring me closer so I can hit them with my sword

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Still no proof the Tornado carried 4x BOL rails? Would be even better if we could find evidence

nope, its not really worth bothering anyway