Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Figured you british mains and your Tornados might like this, my suggestion for the backseater in 2 seater aircrafts to finally start doingsomething instead of being a complete waste of space was finally open for discussion: Mouse designated radar lock for 2 seater jets

Should make playing the Tornado more ergonomic if it gets approved and implemented ingame :)


Appreciate the effort and optimism, but it isn’t going to happen. Russia doesn’t utilise many two seater jets that would benefit from it.

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Also something i’ve noticed, what is the RP cost for modules on the Tornado? We’re sat there with 29k RP for 9Ls, a rank 2 mod, and the F-16C has 7Ms at Rank 2 for 17k RP, and 9Ls at 19k RP

How is that fair???

And it’s not as if they’re the only ones who have favoured treatment
The french on the M2K 5F can get their top lineup of missiles for 32k RP, the F-16ADF in US tree gets theirs for 72k, whereas we get ours for 185k RP.
For context, the MiG-29SMT gets it’s missiles all unlocked for 197k RP. and they’re a whole lot better.

Why is this the case? Is there some extra RP requirements because it’s a British end of the line jet?

The more modules to research the cheaper it is

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The total rp will be roughly the same, more mods is less per mod, fewer mods is more per mod.

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dear christ, though i still feel its a bit unfair for our decent missiles to be locked at rank 4 of mods whereas on, say the F-16ADF, you can be done by Rank 3 and have researched 4 reasonably cheap mods, whereas our jet needs 6 quite expensive mods. it just doesn’t seem fair, especially given it not really being a “top tier fighter”

again, reason to why alternative A/A platform needed/Tornado ADV should’ve been here sooner

Hi, I’ve got a query about the speed and performance of the F3. The aircraft seems to noticeably brick wall at 1300kpH (IAS) and getting to its top speed is like watching paint dry.

By all accounts the F3 was incredibly quick at low level being its only real strength, pilots frequently reported speeds up to and in excess of 800knots and ingame it will only do that with clean wings and almost no fuel in its tank. The rip speed is pretty high at 1555kpH but will never reach that speed in a straight line, there have been moments where the jet gets stuck at around 1350kpH and I get caught by f5Es and mig 21s which isn’t fun. And again strait line speed at low level is supposed to be the F3s bread and butter,

To me it feels like a bug or an oversight in the flight model but if this is correct to how the F3 should perform I would love to know.


We don’t have combat thrust modelled which will likely explain the excessive speeds commonly quoted. Also bear in mind the common method of achieving such speeds was a climb/dive technique.


Her top speed with 4 SW @19kkg is M1.18 without combat thrust, which is/was achievable in game.

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on min fuel with clean wings it will peak at 1484kph in a strait line, but getting there takes longer than most other jets and stuff like the MLD will have not trouble catching you? Unless the combat thrust turns it into a rocket like the mig21 and its magical 2 stage burner, In that case its a shame we don’t have that ingame.

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Do you guys know what this thing is on the pylon?

Where does that image come from? Presumably some sort of video?

It’s hard to tell from that angle, but it may be some form of ACMI / AIS pod:

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Couldn’t this also just be an ASRAAM dummy (a bad one )at that?

It might be the same thing this EF.3 carrier on the outer pylon (nvm that’s a phimat pod to pointy)


Will never not be eternally envious he got to ride in a F.3


Still no HUD fixes (missing target tadpole when off HUD, missing target highlighting unless weapon locking). Therefore F3 still a massive pain in sim.

Sad times.


2 questions:

First off,


What are those missiles above the fuel tanks? Doesn’t look like Aim-9 or ASRAAM. Looks more like ALARM

and assuming that is a Tornado Gr4 and those are AAMs, does this mean a possibility of one in the future with 4x AAMs instead of just 2?

Secondly, has anything further been said on this? It’s about time the IDS actually got even a partial radar, I was expecting it to come with the F-111 but even its missing a ground radar (I think). Though I suppose now the devs have a reason to develop a ground radar mechanic, now we’ve got the F-111 and then it can just be C&P over after the F-111 has it.

Isn’t it already implemented with the Su-39’s radar pod?

I think the first Aircraft that could have had a MTI mode is technically the A-4E, though the A-6, A-7, and AV-8B+ definitely had the capability it seems strange that a number of aircraft have been added since the mechanic was implemented and yet haven’t had it conferred or otherwise modeled(outside the X-Ray view).

Yeah, but I have no idea how good it is and I dont think its quite the same kind of ground radar right?


The ALARM stub pylons and ejectors weren’t the same as the sidewinder/ASRAAM stubs and rails. GR.1/GR.4 didn’t carry more than 1 (inboard) sidewinder/ASRAAM per wing, and Tornado “EF.3” didn’t carry ALARM on the wings - So there’s little to infer that the two kinds of stubs had common wiring and integration that would make AAMs and ARMs interchangeable.

Both Tornado GR.1 and GR.4 could carry 9x ALARM: 3 on each wing pylon if fuel tanks weren’t carried, and 1 on each of the 3 belly hardpoints. So the GR.4 doesn’t present an additional capability in this regard.