Overhaul of Gaijin calculator

I haven’t done much research on HE shells, so you can make a suggestion if you want. I want to keep this one to kinetic AP rounds for now.

Alright, thanks for the clarification.

Any idea where I could begin to look to find such information?

I’m not sure. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen documents showing armor penetration for HE shells.

It already is applied to HE rounds.

However they use a modified version that gives much lower kinetic penetration values.

That’s why stuff like US 90 mm HE rounds have penetration drop off with range and angle, until the kinetic penetration falls below the chemical explosive penetration at which point the penetration remains constant.

Larger HE rounds have high enough chemical penetration to where the kinetic penetration never shows in the stat card (like the russian 122 mm).

And yet with the limited examples I have personally seen, whatever they are using isn’t doing them justice. Plus ever since overpressure was neutered somewhat, it makes all the derp artillery rather frustrating to play - the gun has an equal chance of one-tapping and doing nothing at all.

Honest question - if the current calculator was applied to HE shells without modification, would HE become “overpowered”? My personal stance is a definitive no.

I have seen a British, American and russian source with 1200m/s with a lighter 885g Shell How much Pen would that have? I suppose thats a “Late” variant of Pzgr.40

Im not shure if i 100% understood this correct, but would that more or less simply mean a buff to uncapped, non filler and APCR rounds?
Would against flat armor be the 5 cm Pzgr. be better than the 5 cm Pzgr.39?

The lighter round would be about 173mm.

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Yes, at least at closer ranges. The AP and APC both have the same overall weight but the APC loses the cap weight during penetration.

The AP would pen around 86mm while the APC would pen around 80mm.

The L/60?

Sorry, that was the short 50. The long 50 AP would be 114mm and the APC would be 106mm.

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Dam you scared me there for a moment.

improving how apcr work would be cool. It would mainly benefit us and german tanks. Right now apcr is useless for germany because aphe is better in almost every way. Apcr has its uses for some US-Tanks like jumbos but it’s useless in most cases aswell. Makes you wonder why US and Germany even developed such ammunition for their tanks if they were really this bad.

Making apcr more realistic and usefull at the same time would improve gameplay because changing ammo depending on your threat would give wt more depth. Right now it’s mostly aphe/solid shot and the occasional he-shell for ww2 tanks

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I’m specially interested in how a APCR rework could benefit low-caliber HVAP rounds like 20mm Pzgr40 and DM43, as HVAP is just another name for APCR. DM43 is used by many nations, in guns such as RH202 and HS.820.

DM43 comparison

The performance of this round is well documented, so comparing with in-game values you see how flawed the current calculator is.


The issue I’m facing is plate hardness changes with thickness, so thicker plates will have less uniform hardness, while thinner plates have greater uniform hardness. I don’t know how to account for that within the DeMarre equation, so some stuff will still over or under perform, depending on how much armor it’s expected to defeat. Still, from the various rounds I’ve tested, they end up close to or within various specs I’ve seen. It just won’t be a perfect replication of all APCR rounds. Someone else may be able to figure it out but I’m not able to.

From a layman’s perspective, wouldn’t it be possible to simulate some well-documented rounds and tweak the calculator until it replicates the known values?

Or it probably isn’t that simple… In which case, how is my assumption wrong?

I’ve tried but I can’t find a way to account for it in the formula. If I adjust it for one round, it won’t match the others.

How would the 3,7 cm Pzgr.18 at 770m/s perform?

If I have the stats right, about 61mm. 37mm, .685 kg shell weight and .013 kg filler weight at 770 m/s.

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Actually, as an uncapped APHE, it would be around 46mm.