Osa-AK and Osa-AKM: Air Defense Classics

Was thinking that actually. It’s probably just about going to outperform the ADATS under the right conditions.

Depending on the final missile selection, it probably will

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Not that I necessarily have issue with SPAAs being at slightly lower BRs than they have been so far. But I’d like to see others move down if that is the case. Like Stormer AD being lower than 10.0

The first “top tier” SPAA for Italy in six years and it’s Russian copy-paste. Where is B1 Draco? Where is Polyphem? Where is Grifo (an actual contender for a 12.0 SPAA)???


Honestly them adding in the 2S6 would be easier than fixing the HVM. Instead of re-writing like 15 lines of code they can just C&P everything and commission a new camouflage for it. Again I’m not shitting you but 99% of the stormers problems can be fixed by changing around 15 lines of code.

Sadly, only Russian SPAA are allowed - even in this case.

There are plenty of non-Russian SPAA to add to the Italian tech tree, this is just lazy copy-paste.

Exactly. Italy waits for six years to have B1 Draco, Polyphem, or just anything domestic and they just get a Russian copy-paste.


If the OSA stays at 10.3. Then they should just give the Stormer HVM LMM

I especially love how these OSAs are the first actual tech tree vehicles of TWO subnations

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Honestly I’d rather they fix Starstreak instead of adding LMM. Maybe even make it so that Stormer can carry both. One for tanks the other for everything else.

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I already kill plenty of tanks with the Starstreaks, but it would be nice to have something more reliable to fall back to

And by plenty of tanks you mean light vehicles like the Sprut or BMP-3?

Yeah, perhaps, I more just want something to use to shoot down drones with

You can actually pen and/or overpressure certain MBTs, but yeah, most of them are Strykers, BMPs, enemy SPAAs/SAMs, etc

Will the AKM have a more advanced radar than the AK? Or did they just copy and paste it

Text says they will be identical spec/performance-wise

What’s the point of changing the GDR variant to AK from AKM then? That confuses me.

Don’t ask me, Gaijin acts in mysterious ways


Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V

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Adding it to the UK and Germany is just ridiculously lazy , they have plenty of unique designs to fill that role. It could have been a unique vehicle to Italy that already lacks uniqueness but for some reason gaijin likes when they put decals on vehicles and unnecessarily spam them everywhere to artificially inflate the grind and the vehicle count while using the least amount of resources. The Hungarian lines, the Benelux and now this its getting a bit silly imo…

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