The T-80U parked in the exhibition of the United Kingdom’s National Defence Academy
Sorry I meant of the trials themselves, m but I didn’t know they had one, thank you!
Ah the famous T80 we all served in,said no British serviceman ever
Rafwaffe + 4477 TES.
I can never understand whether he’s pro or anti Challenger 2.
I unlocked the European camouflage for one of my favorite tanks for free via the Pages of History crates - it’s a shame all of Britains camos get locked behind rng/paywall when nearly all of Germany and Americas camos can be unlocked by playing
Very real, actual pisstake that our best camo’s are behind paywalls
This is the big one that is missing.
Does anyone even have information about this?
IIRC its the Warrior 105, It’d probably behave similarly to the TAM
Well)) i see its 105mm but any specific data?
The sky looked quite beautiful on American Desert today - I took some glamour shots of my Challys. Hope you guys will enjoy them as much as I did : ) I especially like the 2nd one.
(Sorry if the quality is a bit poor. Had to take these photos by hand since I play on console).
Played a classic old zombie game which has London as background, developed by the french a few days ago.
The ending was a boring classic.
The protagonist escapes London, Then RAF comes, bombs and burns London to the ground right after the escape.
Just wondering which plane was in that ending cutscene. :/
Phantom? The tail is too big.
Tonka? no variable wing.
Jaguar? Harrier? Hawk…??
Nah… looks similar to nothing.
I am just damn confused about them.
AFAIK, I think there is no plane shaped like that in the RAF arsenal.
I feel a little stupid thinking about what that is as long as it would be just another silly fictional plane though.
But it keeps bothering me. :|
Ehhh… damn, is this look like a modified F1C which is pretending to be Tonka?
Im guessing the Rapier still acts like the HVM broken as shit?