Off-topic/General chat for Britain

Hi guys.
I made a suggestion for a vehicle that was supposed to come to us, but was denied its existence, hope guys you can vote.


Does anyone have more solid information of the performance of Starstreak II? Thales only say the range is “in excess of 7km” with improvements to guidance against small and/or agile targets

Wish me luck ladies and gents,
as a stupid challenge to make acing the Chieftan Mk.5 more intresting,
I shall be attempting to ace it only using hesh.
I’ll report back with KDR and how long it took me if I ever finish


Woah, I wont be taking Chieftain criticism, they are great fun to play. HESH only will be painful though

Time to make a few UK vehicles more interesting now that War Thunder has broken ranks with historical accuracy ,MGs and APHE all round

Eh, I’ve aced the Mk3 and the Mk10 already, thought I’d spice it up and set myself a challenge. Only problem I’ve had so far is finding some sim sights for hesh lmao

I mean from what I read the UK did use APHE later on when some of its early problems got worked out.


Do you have any idea why the concept 3 used solid shot as an 80s vehicle?

nope. I’ve only read stuff second had.

On top of that ZA’s stuff doesn’t interest me so I haven’t looked into it.


No it don’t interest me either

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77mm gun was mostly just there as a place holder as they had them around at the time, the trials focused more on the automotive side of things, as mobiltiy was more the focus of the programme, not firepower.


They foresaw that the British TT would not have light tanks on 4.3


Just finished acing with only HESH, oh how I hate Chieftain Mk.5. But some stats first.

46 battle total to research all modules, with a total cost of 129,500, which works out to be about 2800 RP a match, this roughly matches my experience in game (from what I noticed about 3200 RP a game, as there was quite a few matches where I got ganked almost immediately upon arrival at the action, but more on that later. I achived a 63% win ratio via healthy dose of luck, and quite a lot of bucc after the Chief inevitably ate AP from someone who cares more about their mental health that I do about mine.

KDR wise, I managed a 2.28 KD ratio, which isn’t too bad and is actually better than my normal KDR of around 1.6-1.9 depending on what BR I am playing. I’m chalking that up to playing signficantly more cautiously due to only running HESH.

Now on to HESH. Actually, to be honest, not terrible. I was averaging about 2-3 kills a game, with the occasional good game with 5 or 6 kills. The issue comes from the enemies you face, coupled with weird modeling on Gaijin’s part.

Notable Targets to avoid are:

-Marders (and similar platforms), frontally you need to hit the driver and/or the Turret for a kill, if you hit the engine compartment, the engine will eat the spall and maybe turn orange, but not much else. From the sides the side stowage will eat hesh for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so aim more towards the driver and it’ll normally overpressure the rest of the crew.

-Leopard with the extra spaced armor and other similar tanks are mildly annoying, however aim next to the mantlet and you’ll get the kill, it’s just a bit finicky, don’t fire at the hull front as most of the spall will fire off into the hull floor, completely missing the turret crew, if the grousers don’t eat the shot first.

-T-72s, flat out not much you can do unless you can get a lucky shot into the side of the coupla, you can’t really do meaningful damage with HESH.

-VIDARs, Object-120s, and other thinly armored, large vehicles tend to be surprisingly spoungy to HESH as the crew are spaced out enough for the spall to miss, and for some reason I found especially the VIDAR hard to overpressure.

-BMPs can be annoying frontally as the UFP is an autobounce, and the driver tends to eat everything if you hit the LFP, thus you’ve got to try and hit the turret which isn’t the easiest thing in the world. Sides is easy game though.

-French oscillating turrets, the overlapping plates in the can eat rounds if you don’t aim properly.

-Heavies in general, You can kill them, but you do tend to have to plink a cupola or two to see any results.

Now to the good parts of HESH,

-when it works, it works, very rarely did I have to fire off more than one shot if there was a successful penetration, the wide spall cone and overpressure combine to make it very easy to one shot almost every tank you’ll see from the side.

-a bit of a downside and an upside is the low velocity, while yes it makes hard to aim at moving targets, combining a good rangefinder can lead to really silly indirect fire opportunities, (for example in my last game, I manged a 1400m indirect kill on an M60)

That’s it really, they really need to buff the consistency of the round and the damage on a non penetration, the HESH used by the chieftain for example has comparable HE filler to the OE 155 56 fired by the Auf1, but they have very different damage characteristics. However, it can be fun if you’re down for a little bit of an abnormal playstyle, I would however suggest using something with a LRF, rather than the regular range finder of the chieftain, and a good bit more mobility.

I'd recommend focusing these targets if you're stuck with hesh
  • TURMS IIIs, hit the turret pretty much anywhere to take it out.

  • LTs are generally easy food, although watch out for the back of french LTs, the ammo like to eat shrapnel without exploding, if the edges don’t eat the shell first.

-M109s are easy prey due to the turret being surprisingly cramped for the size.

-Personally had quite a bit of luck with the pattons, just aim higher up on the turret cheeks.

@John_Sneeeeeeeew I’m sorry but here comes the Chieftain slander:

The Chieftain (3/5) as it is currently in game, is terrible at 8.7, and I’d much rather see all of them take a .3 reduction. The mobility just isn’t there. While yes the Turret armor is good, It saved my ass multiple times over the last 24 hours, it’s simply too heavy. On multiple occasions I was spending 3 or 4 minutes trundling to the action as any form of turning slows you to a crawl, and that’s if a speedy LT hasn’t rushed and sniped you before you’ve seen any action (which yes, happened multiple times lmao). There’s also the gun handling, which feels like I’m trying to drag a toilet brush out of a bucket of half set PVA glue. The analog rangefinder while better than nothing, really kinda sucks compared to the smorgasbord of LT and mediums with LR at 8.3 that will happily outsnipe you at ranges where you’re really guessing where abouts they’re actually at.

Honestly the hardest part of that whole ordeal was the Chieftain’s mobility, while once it’s going it’s decently fast, the poor acceleration and lethargic cornering speeds really held me back tbh.

Anyway all from that’s me, I’ve got to go pack for a bank holiday getaway. I’ll just leave you with my favorite kill of the last day and a bit, nailing a Mi-4 with the Bucc.


Oh my God, here comes Tim with a steel chair!


Yeah, they should both be at 8.3, or at least give the Mk5 its LRF and keep that at 8.7.

The mobility does hurt, but sometimes getting to the battlefield slower than everybody else is a blessing. For me the mobility doesn’t matter so much, its a great sniper since the APDS is quick and will melt through anything like butter (using HESH only it becomes a problem of course). So sniping maps (of which there are very few) are good, urban maps are bad, then it becomes hope the armour works and you don’t meet HEAT-FS.

Again HESH is just broken, it only seems to overpressure if you hit certain small spots on tanks and on light vehicles it either removes them from the mortal plain or does nothing at all.

Another thing on the ammo, the Mk5 stores some ammo next to the driver, which seems to get me killed a lot, so the Mk3 is actually more survivable, especially with the dozer on for some extra armour.

I think the real power of the chieftain is to one shot anything or at least cripple it, the game very quickly becomes point and click with the APDS, which seems to be the only British APDS that works. Another great aspect is its line up, what the chieftain lacks is made up by the rest of the tanks at 8.7/3. Chieftain is probably my favourite tank of all time, and I love playing it in war thunder.

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Looking forward to the Desert Warrior and Churchill AVRE.


Any info on the Leo 2A4M Can?

German premium

Would be an almost perfect update… except for the Indian Elephant in the room


I would trade this MIG for an SPAA