Off-topic/General chat for Britain


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Its really not. There was never any intent to arm the CTR. Hence its just got a flat face.


Considering they made the effort to put a mock up gun on, it does show it was an idea that if developed further it would of been fitted with a gun.

Just like the Yak-141


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Any development would have been dramatically different from the CTR as it was a joint progran with the germans as part of FMBT. Probably the closest you’d get to a casmate chieftain is the older Chimera concept. As for the Contentious Hydrogass test bed it wasnt crewed when firing as it was mostly used to test hydrogass suspensions and the fancy range finder system it had. Its nothing like a finished vehicle as its bodged together with parts from multiple different programs. You can’t use the Yak 141 to justify everything it should almost certainly be the exception as opposed to the rule.

Sometimes the British cancel a project at the paper stage because they feel sorry for ink. But here they decided to build a whole prototype to see how the chieftain hull without Chieftain turret would ride?))))

Pretty much yeah. You have to rember this part of the same project thay led to german VT tanks

Yak-141 was added to the game, it shouldnt have been, neither should the F-16AJ and in the past neither should the Panther 2 or Flakpanzer 341. There are a lot of ‘exceptions’ to the paper tank rule, so why shouldn’t the chieftain CTR be added in a similar boat, it was more complete than 3 of these examples.

The CTR may have been part of a larger programme, but they took the time to draw up concepts for it with a gun and even fitted it with a mock up gun.

I think the CTR could 100% be added ive not said it should be.

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They didnt though they just stuck a dummy gun on to see how the hull would handle with a giant tube sticking out the front.

Yeah perhaps, but as i said, its more real than some vehicles that have been added.

I think it would be a good event vehicle thats very unique. A better event vehicle than idk, an Indian Jaguar or another Bayern class battleship :P

The british tree is much more needing of the Ajax than a jagdchieftain :)


The event one is the only other one to have been completed.
Also I didn’t realise there was the Sachsen in the game. It should’ve been the other way around.

Yeah it should be the other way around, but then again, do we really need 3 battleships of the same class in a tech tree? They are all virtually identical.

Nuh uh. one has a diesel engine in the middle instead of a steam turbine.

How’s your experience been with the Buccaneer S.2B against ground targets using the anti-ship missile? Mine hasn’t been so enjoyable: it’s difficult to get a lock, and when I do, the missile often misses the target or just causes a ‘hit.’ It performs well in test drive, but in a real match, it’s not as effective.

Well, you have to aim that cross onto a target. That increase accuracy.

I know. I will give it another try anyway. But so far, it hasn’t been as enjoyable as I thought it would be.

Well, it truly is dissapointing. Lock range for tanks is ~3km and even then they tend to miss. When it comes to ships i will use my right to remain silent…

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I don’t play sim battles, but I decided to test against ships there. I had a big surprise: out of three missiles launched, only one hit the ship (I don’t know what happened to the other two, they probably flew over the target). And the one that hit didn’t even destroy it.