Off-topic/General chat for Britain

that’s weird, how the Warrior’s APDS effectiveness just drops off far more at range

you know, British engineers are ingenious. not only have they done that with the APDS, but they’ve also made an armour less effective than rubber and magically made 5 tonnes of armour with no effectiveness

it’s weird isn’t it

What good spaa would be for 5.0+ to 7.7

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Seriously tho cos Im drawing a blank here… like no radar spaa or similar…

maybe this?

its a radar falcon my fella

yeah :)

it will probs be at the same be as the marksman…

there is a supercat hmt with a 35mm gun i think, maybe that?

See if there was a version of the Stormer AD without a Stinger or Missile pod it would be a great m163 style vehicle…

Another vehicle to table,




Chieftain Sabre, fella.


Yes but ingame it legit would be a radar equipt falcon… while the hull could lower the br the fact it has a radar at all would at least place it at 8.3 to 8.7 which… doesn’t fix the issue of a lack of 5.0+ > 7.7. spaa… unless they do a meme and remove its apds which I doubt…

I gotta love making Germans regret their decisions:

@Caernarvon02 This is why I love the Plagis (Decided to do a match after our convo earlier, not played it in a while)

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We already have a radar-equipped Chieftain SPAA with twin 30mm, so I don’t see it going anywhere but 8.3

When are we getting the GKN Simba and the greatest armor add on - wood planks & cardboard


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Hey guys, did you noticed that i remove all 90mm heat guns to 8.0+. I think they efficiency won’t fall to hard. But ww II vehicles will feel much better.


This is what joint combat training with Australia looks like


Saladin 90 probably needs to be way higher its APFSDS is pretty solid


Maybe I confused this with APSDS.

Thanks for help.