This goes for all F-5E upgrades, but did any of them increase the countermeasure count? Or add BOL pods or some sort of equivalent? Because 45 CMs really isnt a grand amount at top tier/high tier.
Thailand has AN/ALE-40 (same countermeasure dispensers as the F-5As and C have in game) for their F-5E and T/TH among other aircraft. This would mean 60 additional countermeasures.
But so far apart from documents and articles stating their existence, they don’t seem to actually have any images of them mounted yet.
The ideal is always to have an image that proves it, although it is not easy to get good photos of that area.
60 isnt a terrible amount to work with, though i wish they added a MAW + BOL system
It’s 60 in addition to the existing 45, so 105 total (15 of them large)
Ohhh. Thats actually pretty good! I honestly cant wait for the F-5TH its gonna be pretty fun to fly, imo.
It will be a very solid 13.0, similar in all-around performance to the new event Kfir. Slower than the Kfir, but most certainly better armament (Sidewinder Mikes as opposed to Python 3s and Mavericks for ground battles). If it comes as a premium, it would be a very good sidegrade to the US F-20.
It also gets Derbys right? 4 of them i hope. I wish they integrated amraams on it though…
From what I’ve seen it’s two Derbys on underwing stations similar to the Brazilian F-5EM.
Wingtip stations would be limited to short range missiles like AIM-9M, Python 4/5 or IRIS-T
I know it’s not directly related to the Super Tigris, but what’s the deal with the FCU in the game having 4 AA missiles while the SCU has only 2?
Do you have any images of the F-5TH carrying the extra CMs? I cant seem to find any lol
No images, but Thai Airforce has AN/ALE-40 as additional CMs for various of their aircraft. For the F-5Es and derivatives I’d assume they would be mounted like on the Taiwanese F-5A (and Thai F-5A in game, even if that wasn’t done iirc)
Alrighty. Hopefully gaijin adds the ALE-40s to this F-5, especially bc of the ARHs at its BR; the extra CMs would be extremely useful.
If there is no photo, don’t count on it
Not exactly the F-5, but photos of additional countermeasures mounted to the F-16A OCU do exist
Two AN/ALE-40 mounted just behind the wing on the left side of these F-16 OCUs. They hold up to 30 chaff/flare or 15 large flares. The upgraded eMLU variant mounts AN/ALE-47 in the same place.
Sadly despite this the bug report was closed by a moderator stating “F-16A/B OCU and F-5T SCU are already equipped with AN/ALE-40”, which is incorrect for the F-16 that only uses the two ALE-47 currently and ignores that these are specifically additional countermeasures being mentioned.
They also state “The number of countermeasures in the AN/ALE-40 depends on the caliber”, which is completely irrelevant considering both small caliber flares and chaff are available, making 60 the correct number of countermeasures for the game (there is no large chaff iirc). This is also how it’s done on all other F-16s, and all F-5s that mount additional ALE-40 (every F-5A/C in game)
That is, the fact that I have the F-16 mounted is irrelevant, the important thing is the photo of the F-5 carrying it.
Gaijin has the photos as a primary source, so it is strange that if you have those photos of the OCU F-16A carrying more countermeasures they have not taken into account the report, are you sure that the F-16 in the photo you shared with me is an OCU? Does Thailand use another model of F-16?
Yeah, I just wanted to call out the Moderator for being weird about the F-16 in particular
Thailand also uses the ADF (with raised nose IFF and distinct ridges on the tail) and the eMLU (with nose IFF again, but not raised). The first aircraft appears to be OCU by the serial, the second I can’t see the serial sadly but it visually appears to be an OCU.
But they also don’t really seem to know their F-16s in the first place considering they gave the Thai OCU AMRAAM even though it doesn’t have the hard- or software for it.
Did early F-16s use ALE-40s or were they upgraded to ALE-47s later? and im talking in general across all F-16s because if OCUs were upgraded to ALE-47s then 60 countermeasures at least should be correct, or 120 depending if Gaijin actually did some research.
Iirc Thai F-16s use AN/ALE-47 in the tail, however originally they would’ve used AN/ALE-40 originally being Block 15s. AN/ALE-47 was only introduced with Block 40/42, so they would have to have been fitted retroactively.
However since images show the use of four dispensers on the OCU it is still clear the sources refer to additional countermeasures rather than internal ones.
Both AN/ALE-40 and AN/ALE-47 can hold up to 30 countermeasures (flares or chaff) or 15 large flares. In game example other F-16As use AN/ALE-40 in the tail and get 60CMs, while the F-16Cs using AN/ALE-47 get the same amount.